桥词典 生活造就的一代热词

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重庆人与桥的生活,几乎到了水乳交融的关系。随之,在我们的生活里也产生了众多与桥有关的趣闻和热词。这是重庆独有的“桥文化”。踩桥CaiQiao在古代,一座桥建成了,往往要举行隆重的“踩桥”仪式,然后才能让人通行。这种习俗,与今天的“剪彩”颇有些相似。那时候的桥,一般都由民间的善人豪绅出资修建。通桥后,也有众多的老百姓来朝贺一番,沾染喜庆。踩桥,寄托了人们美好的愿望。有关踩桥的传说,世代相传,成了古桥文化的一个组成部分。桥多数时候是用来行车的。只有在新开通的那两天,只放人行, Chongqing people and bridge life, almost to a harmonious relationship. In the meantime, there are many anecdotes and hot words related to the bridge in our life. This is a unique “bridge culture” in Chongqing. Bridge In ancient times, a bridge was built, often to hold a solemn “foot bridge” ceremony, and then to make people access. This custom is quite similar to today’s “ribbon cutting.” At that time the bridge, usually by the folk good gentry gentry funded the construction. Bridge, there are many people to North Korea somehow, contaminated with festivals. Bridge on the sustenance of the good wishes of the people. The legend about stepping on the bridge, from generation to generation, has become an integral part of the ancient bridge culture. Most of the time the bridge is used to drive. Only in the newly opened two days, only put people,
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