Protective Effects of Hyperpolarizing Cardioplegia with Pinacidil on Myocardium in Rats

来源 :Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Med | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soul678
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Whether the ATP sensitive potassium channel opener pinacidil can provide myocardial protective effects in prolonged isolated global ischemic rat heart was investigated. On modified isolated rat working heart model, 40 hearts were divided into four groups randomly: Hyperpolarized arrest H K solution containing pinacidil (50 μmol/L) (P1 and P2) and depolarized arrest St. Thomas’ solution (S1 and S2) subjected to 15 ℃ hypothermia, 60 min (P1 and S1) or 120 min (P1 and S2) of ischemia and 30 min reperfusion. The experimental indices included cardioplegic efficiency, cardiac function, coronary blood flow, myocardial enzyme release, myocardial water and ATP content. Hyperpolarized arrest provided significantly better recovery of cardiac function than depolarized arrest. Postischemic coronary flow and myocardial ATP content were higher. The arrest time of electro mechanical activities were longer than depolarized arrest. There were no differences among the groups in myocardial water contents. The hyperpolarized arrest solution containing pinacidil can provide a marked myocardial protective effect during prolonged hypothermic myocardial ischemia. Whether the ATP sensitive potassium channel opener pinacidil can provide myocardial protective effects in prolonged isolated global ischemic heart was investigated. On modified isolated rat working heart model, 40 hearts were divided into four groups randomly: Hyperpolarized arrest HK solution containing pinacidil (50 μmol / (P1 and S2) and depolarized arrest St. Thomas’ solution (S1 and S2) subjected to hypothermia at 15 ° C for 60 min (P1 and S1) or 120 min (P1 and S2) for ischemia and 30 min reperfusion. indices included cardioplegic efficiency, cardiac function, coronary blood flow, myocardial enzyme release, myocardial water and ATP content. Hyperpolarized arrest provided significantly better recovery of cardiac function than depolarized arrest. mechanical activities were longer than depolarized arrest. There were no differences among the groups in myocardial water con tents. The hyperpolarized arrest solution containing pinacidil can provide marked protective effect on prolonged hypothermic myocardial ischemia.
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