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临近岁末,大都开始辞旧迎新。编辑部最近接到不少购房者咨询的电话,多是想请教来年的行情走势,以供自己买房参考。而最常见的问题莫过于——什么时候买房?买哪儿的房子最好?相信谁都无法诠释“最好”这个词,量体裁衣才是解决问题的根本。面对持币观房的人群,我们秉着实用、及时、权威的办刊宗旨,特选了几类典型并请专家作了指导,希望能对您的“买房事业”有一点帮助。 Near the end of the year, most of us started the old welcome. The editorial department recently received a lot of telephone counseling buyers, mostly want to consult the trend of the coming year to buy their own homes for reference. The most common problems than when - buy a house? Where to buy the best house? I believe no one can interpret the “best” word, tailored to solve the problem is the fundamental. The face of the crowd watching the crowd, we Bingzhe practical, timely and authoritative purpose of running a journal, selected a few typical and invited experts to guide, hoping to your “buy a house ” a little help.
  An enzyme-free amperometric method was established for glucose detection using a clean dendritic gold (DG) directly on a smooth Au electrode via square wave
为更快速准确检测柑橘黄化脉明病毒(Citrus yellow vein clearing virus,CYVCV),根据病毒外壳蛋白基因的保守序列设计特异性引物,通过体系优化得到最佳反应条件,建立基于SYBR