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近日,中国农科院植物保护研究所与天津市宁河县农技推广中心在天津市宁河县联合举办了国家科技支撑计划课题“棉花重大病虫害防控技术研究与集成示范(2012BAD19B05)”中期进展交流及现场示范会议。与会代表首先参观了位于宁河县的1000亩“棉花重大病虫害防控技术集成与示范”现场,听取了有关情况介绍。综防示范田和对照田病虫害发生危害差异极为显著,对照田黄萎病、叶枯病、铃病等病害发生严重,棉花叶螨、棉盲蝽、棉铃虫等虫害为害症状明显。综防示范田不仅将 Recently, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ninghe County, Tianjin Agricultural Technology Extension Center in Ninghe County, Tianjin jointly organized the national science and technology support program “Cotton major pest control technology research and integration demonstration (2012BAD19B05) ”Mid-term progress of the exchange and demonstration site. The delegates first visited the site of 1000 mu “cotton major pest control and prevention and control technology integration and demonstration ” located in Ninghe County, and listened to relevant information. The results showed that there were significant differences in the hazards of field pests and diseases between the integrated prevention and control fields and the control diseases such as Verticillium wilt, leaf blight and bell disease. The symptoms of pests such as cotton spider mite, cotton lace bug and cotton bollworm were obvious. Comprehensive anti-demonstration field will not only
捷克斯洛伐克近年来提出了电子化的计划,重视微电子技术及器件的发展,并在第七个五年(1981—1985)计划期间取得重大进展.早在1977—1980年间就在国营TESLARoznov、TESLA Pie
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燃料电池车的最大优点是清洁、无污染,所排出的唯一废弃物是水分。在全球环境保护问题备受关注的今天,燃料电池车作为“清洁车”越来越受到人们的重视。世界各大汽车 厂商都认
例一 一辆本田雅阁轿车发动机拆装后,出现发动机着车后故障指示灯不熄灭、怠速不稳、开空调后转速反而下降的故障。 故障检查与排除:该车装有自诊断系统,由于故障指示灯亮,