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为了解全胃切除后胃肠道重建方法对术后病人营养状态的影响。作者于1989~1994年,对12例胃癌全胃切除、胃及幽门括约肌重建术后病人摄取和吸收食物营养的能力进行了调查,并且与7例空肠袢重建和5例Roux-en-Y重建术后病人进行了比较,采用代谢平衡实验方法,对这些病人利用和贮存所吸收食物营养成份的情况进行了对比评价。结果表明在住院期间所有病人进食量要大于病人维持标准体重所需要的食物量,直接对照发现大多数空肠袢重建和Roux-en-Y重建的病人进食量减少,其中以空肠袢重建病人最为严重。作者认为,术后营养不良最常见的机制是进食不足,在解决好返流性食管炎的基础上,保持十二指肠食物的通过性,对于减少全胃切除术后营养不良及其它并发症的发生是极其有意义的。 To understand the effect of gastrointestinal reconstruction after total gastrectomy on postoperative nutritional status. From 1989 to 1994, the authors investigated the ability of patients who underwent total gastric resection, reconstruction of stomach and pyloric sphincter for uptake and absorption of food nutrition in 12 patients with gastric cancer, and investigated 7 cases of jejunal fistula reconstruction and 5 cases of Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Postoperative patients were compared and metabolic balance experiments were used to compare and evaluate the use and storage of nutrients absorbed by these patients. The results showed that the intake of all patients during the hospital stay was greater than the amount of food needed to maintain the standard weight of the patients. Direct control found that the majority of patients with jejunal fistula reconstruction and Roux-en-Y reconstruction had reduced food intake. Among them, reconstruction of patients with jejunal fistula was the most serious. . The author believes that the most common mechanism of postoperative malnutrition is insufficient food intake. In order to solve the problems of reflux esophagitis and maintain the passage of duodenal food, it can reduce malnutrition and other complications after total gastrectomy. The occurrence is extremely significant.
急性巨大肿瘤细胞样单核细胞白血病一例陈晓丹,陈星群(海南医学院附院检验科)海口570102患者,男,66岁,因头晕、乏力、纳差40天加重伴发热,皮肤、牙龈出血20余天,于1991年4月26日入院。体征:T38℃,P90次/min,B20次/min,B... A c
完全性房室管畸形又称完全性心内膜垫缺损或完全性房室通道,是一种复杂的先天性心脏血管畸形。我科运用彩色超声心动图成功诊断一例并经手术证实。 Complete atrioventricul