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目的:分析精细化流程干预在手术室感染控制中的应用效果。方法:将我院2013年1月至2014年1月在手术室感染控制中实施传统管理方法作为对照组,将我院2014年2月至2015年2月在手术室感染控制中实施精细化流程干预方法作为干预组,分析两种方案在手术室感染控制中的应用效果。结果:对照组患者的感染率13.3%高于干预组患者的感染率3.8%,对照组的满意度80%低于干预组的满意度93%,两组比较,差异显著,有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论:在手术室感染控制中应用精细化流程干预能有效降低患者的感染率,提高患者的满意度,有临床应用价值。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of the meticulous process intervention in the control of infection in the operating room. Methods: From January 2013 to January 2014 in our hospital in the control of infection in the operating room as a control group, the control of our hospital from February 2014 to February 2015 in the operating room infection control implementation of the refinement process Intervention as an intervention group, analysis of two programs in the control of infection in the operating room effect. Results: In the control group, the infection rate was 13.3% higher than that in the intervention group, 3.8% in the control group, 80% in the control group was lower than 93% in the intervention group. There was significant difference between the two groups with statistical significance, P <0.05. Conclusion: The application of meticulous process intervention in the control of infection in the operating room can effectively reduce the patient’s infection rate and improve the patient’s satisfaction, and has clinical value.
<正> 我国杰出的新闻记者、新闻学者邵飘萍的铜像,由中宣部新闻局、全国记协、人民日报社、光明日报社等二十六个机关团体和新闻单位发起,金华日报社承办,经过近一年的紧张设
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