Dysfunction of two lysosome degradation pathways of α-synuclein in Parkinson's disease: potenti

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hu1234
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is pathologically characterized by the presence of α-synuclein (α-syn)-positive intra-cytoplasmic inclusions named Lewy bodies in the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra. A series of morbid consequences are caused by pathologically high amounts or mutant forms of α-syn, such as defects of membrane trafficking and lipid metabolism. In this review, we consider evidence that both point mutation and overexpression of α-syn result in aberrant degradation in neurons and microglia, and this is associated with the autophagy-lysosome pathway and endosome-lysosome system, leading directly to pathological intracellular aggregation, abnormal externalization and re-internalization cycling (and, in turn, internalization and re-externalization), and exocytosis. Based on these pathological changes, an increasing number of researchers have focused on these new therapeutic targets, aiming at alleviating the pathological accumulation of α-syn and re-establishing normal degradation. A series of morbid consequences are caused by pathologically high amounts or mutant forms of α-syn, such as defects of membrane trafficking and lipid metabolism. In this review, we consider evidence that both point mutation and overexpression of α-syn result in aberrant degradation in neurons and microglia, and this is associated with the autophagy -lysosome pathway and endosome-lysosome system, leading directly to pathological intracellular aggregation, abnormal externalization and re-internalization cycling (and, in turn, internalization and re-externalization), and exocytosis. Based on these pathological changes, an increasing number of researchers have focused on these new therapeutic targets, aiming at alleviating the pathological accumulation of α-syn and re-establishing nor mal degradation.
【内容摘要】在进行初中思想品德课程的教学时,教师们常常会感到教学资源的匮乏,提供给学生的课堂在丰富程度上也较为欠缺,这个问题很有必要得到改善。教师要有意识的挖掘教学资源,不仅要充分利用课本,也要善于从其他方面与渠道向课堂上引入一些有价值的教学素材。这不仅能够为课堂教学提供辅助,也能够丰富学生的视野,还能够提升课堂教学成效。  【关键词】思想品德 教学资源 利用  在展开初中思想品德课程的教学时,教
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【内容摘要】为了提高初中学生的写作水平,教师就需要将随笔模式引入进来,让学生深入到生活中,对生活中的素材进行收集,用生活化的例子来支撑起自己的作文,教师也要用学生感兴趣的话题来激发起学生的写作兴趣,学生的写作水平就会不断得到提升。  【关键词】初中语文 随笔训练 作文教学  在初中语文教学中,写作是教学的重点,同时也是教学的难点。教师为了能够提高学生的写作水平,往往会采用多样的教学方式,使学生能够