Symbols of China in the Future

来源 :财经国家周刊·氏族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laojiawolai
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  Nowadays, when the world has become a global village, with over 50 million foreigners entering and leaving China a year and numerous Chinese spreading all over the world, if China is mentioned, you can get answers of all kinds.
  When Max, a German young man who has never been in China, is asked about China, what spring into his mind are the Great Wall. For P, a Canadian working in Hong Kong, the symbol of China is blue and white porcelain.
  one thing in common is that nearly everyone would mention “Made in China”.
  From America to Africa, from as big as a factory to as small as a plastic bottle cap, “Made in China” can be found in nearly everywhere. Maybe you have never been in China, but around you there are a lot of products made in China.
  However,China doesn’t have her own Louis Vuitton, Volkswagen, Patek Philippe, Chanel…
  In fact, China owns a lot of brands created by our ancestors.
  The “roast duck” known by foreigners could actually be renamed as the “Quanjude” in the future. The brand, created in 1864, is a genuine 100-year brand. In addition, Tongrentang, based in Beijing and owning dozens of overseas branches, has a history of 343 years by now – an even longer history.
  Although Tongrentang opens dozens of overseas branches, their major customers are local Chinese. For many foreigners, traditional Chinese medicine does not belong to the field of science. Some foreigners, however, attracted by it after getting some knowledge about it, begin to publicize the marvels of traditional Chinese medicine.
  In fact, we do not need to depend on those brands created by our ancestors. Modern China has some brands which will become the symbols in the future.
  On December 26, 2012, BeijingGuangzhou high-speed railway was officially opened. According to its construction plan, the line will connect about 80 cities, running across areas with a total population of nearly 700 million and a ratio of GDP up to 74 percent. During a short period of several years, China’s high-speed railway has been built from zero to 9,300 km, the No.1 of the world already.
  By the end of June this year, the number of Chinese Internet users had hit 538 million, reaching 39.9% of the total population. At a shocking speed, Chinese Internet users are exerting a great influence upon the world.
  Tai Chi, apart from being seen in Hollywood films, is practiced in reality by many foreigners wearing cotton shoes and silk uniforms. Yao Ming has a great number of fans across the world. Confucius Institutes are scattered around the world, creating a surge of Chinese language fever. “Made in China” has transformed to “Created by China”, and China is on the way of letting Western countries “Made for China”.
  China has become a country with the power to change the world, without knowing it. With a history of over 5,000 years, China has created numerous wonders. By combining the wisdom of our ancestors and the endeavors of today’s people, China will keep her development and write more new chapters in history.
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Roast duck is a traditional dish of China and Peking Duck is a worldrenowned delicacy. A poll taken at the end of 2011 in the United Kingdom ranked Peking Duck as the fourth most popular dish in all o
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财政部门本来要在今年正式试点开征物业税的,但由于种种原因未启动。”2007年12月16日,北京大学不动产研究中心主任冯长春在接受记者采访时如是说。作为物业税政策研究制定工作的参与者,他告诉记者,物业税可能在2008年试点,而且最先从商业地产开始征收。   经历了一系列房地产调控之后,如何“求生”成一些开发商面临的难题……    笔者并不反对物业税的出台,但作为一种新增税收而言,究竟是不是要征收,不
税负太高了,“税外费”也太高了,此前的舆论曾掀起一波又一波这样的抱怨,近日两条新闻似乎让公众看到了减税减费的良好愿景。  一则说,日前,国家税务总局发布了《关于调整核定征收企业所得税应税所得率的通知》,八个行业的企业所得税应税所得率都有不同幅度的下降;还有一则是,我国个体工商户平均每年减少87万户。Ô因主要是个体工商户的创业成本过高,1/3的税,2/3的费,费大于税,创业艰难。取消个体
对美国消费者而言,中国制造的商品可能很快就会变得昂贵多了,这是因为美国国会和公众正不断施压,制止有毒宠物食品、受污染牙膏和含铅涂料玩具涌入美国。当然,确保产品的安全性是有代价的,“对美国进口的部分低成本商品实行更加严格的质量标准,其功能相当于对美国消费者实行加税。”摩根士丹利亚洲区董事长罗奇(Stephen Roach)说。这个加税数额有多大?美国每年从中国进口的商品的总进口额——约3,000亿美