Treasures Ignored by the World

来源 :财经国家周刊·氏族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhxg01
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  In March 1974, when villagers of Xiyang Village, a small village in Shaanxi Province, were digging a well, they never thought the routine engineering in each spring could shock the world this time.
  To everyone’s expectation, the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qinshihuang is unearthed like this and unveils its amazing looks to the world. More than ten thousand of life-size terracotta figurines wield real weapon and line up according to the military establishment of the Qin Dynasty. It seems that their hairs and clothes are still fluttering in the wind.
  China, which had never been a tourist attraction, suddenly attracted the attention of tourists from all parts of the world. The tourists found there were other attractions besides chinaware in China. Besides the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Imperial Palace, Beijing opera, roast duck and totems of dragons and phoenixes, more things with Chinese characteristics have come into the sight of the western world.
  According to Joshua B. Cohen, a New Yorker who engaged in Media industry and lived in China for many years, for Europeans and Americans which are interested in understanding China, before deep exploration of Chinese cultures, Chinese food serves as the most remarkable visiting card of China. In major cities in Europe and the US, you can find a Chinese restaurant at almost every street corner.
  There are many neglected treasures in China.
  The foremost one is the Chinese character. Among four major characters with the spiritual core of the earliest human civilizations in the world, three have been passed into oblivion in the long river of history. Only Chinese character is developing and still in use today due to its tenacious vitality. Furthermore, Chinese character is trying to create another cultural boom step by step throughout the world to leave a deep impression to a larger extent.
  Chinese calligraphy is quite an art stressing agile tip of writing brush and smooth handwriting. A tuft of soft animal hair and a straight bamboo tube can show off force and skill by each stroke during writing. However, Chinese ink painting lays stress on color rendering and gradation, neither too deep nor too pale. You can imagine a boat moored on clear and tranquil lake, with ripples under the bottom as if little breezes crept over. The effect can be subtly appreciated, but not put into words.
  China has many local operas with profound art value, each has a profound masses foundation. There are many masses-based treasures in China, including paper-cuts, leather-silhouette show, embroidery, clay figure and so on. Each of them is an embodiment of the essence of Chinese cultures in different regions.
  Things like this are too numerous to mention, such as the marvelous traditional Chinese medicine, beautiful singing accompanied with zither, the ancient masterpieces including Yi Jing, Cha Jing, Sun Tzu’s the Art of War and so on.
  Fortunately, late is better than never. More and more people have realized that the power of such treasures deserves to transmit and remember. More and more people are striving for such transmission and practicing it.
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