Etiquette from the Heart

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  Maybe, good self-control and unique temperament are the fruit of Zhang Xiaolong’s long-term research on studies of Chinese ancient civilization and classical etiquette culture. Zhang Xiaolong has a Bachelor’s Degree in Folk Dance from Beijing Dance Academy and a Master Degree in Ancient History from Northeast Normal University. His academic background is closely linked to Chinese classical culture.
  Chinese nation has a history of several thousand years and lives in a land known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. Zhang Xiaolong considers Zhou Li (the Chou Rituals) as the core of the etiquette and ceremonies of the Chinese nation.
  He takes the Chinese words “正襟危坐” (Zheng Jin Wei Zuo in Pin Yin or sit square in English) as an example, the character “危”(Wei) vividly expresses the setting posture of the ancient people. The main details of people’ setting posture can find the corresponding expression from the character. It refers to the setting posture of the Chinese people before the advent of a chair. At that time, “stay in a room” was called “Xia Ta” (stay at a place in English). People use the couches of different thickness according to seniority in the family or clan or social status, but such situation is transformed slowly in the wake of the changes to material conditions. However, the Chinese words “正襟危坐”have been reserved and used till now. By well understanding such literary allusions, later generations will image the setting posture of the ancient people when they see the Chinese words. That is enough.
  Even so, some basic etiquette remains unchanged from ancient to modern times. Zhang Xiaolong admits there is also ancient etiquette changed different from what it was before. Take the Chinese words“婚礼” (Hun Li in Pin Yin and wedding in English) as an example. It is called a “Hun Li”, because it is held at dawn (Huang Hun in Pin Yin). However, in northern China today, people hold weddings in the noon usually. If one holds a wedding in the evening, it will have another meaning.
  In the opinion of Zhang Xiaolong, no matter how the way of behavior changes, what people shall lay more emphasis on is the degree of self-control in heart. Begin with little things from no jaywalking, no frequent honking, no spitting to no reckless lane-changing. All such little things are often what a modern civilized society needed most.
  For etiquette, content is more important than form.
  Temperate behaviors spring from etiquette in heart. All behaviors of a person are dominated by his/her heart. There will not always be clear behavior norms throughout people’s lives.   Nowadays more and more people start to pay attention to Chinese etiquette. At 2012 Spring Festival Gala Evening, the host taught the audience to wish the elder a happy new year by salute with joined hands. It was a good thing originally but denounced later by many people, because such salute can only used among peers and how can it be used for the elder? Zhang Xiaolong is not so concerned about it. He says it is just a beginning and we couldn’t overcorrect. He believes that it was a good beginning for Spring Festival Gala Evening to use the salute with joined hands.
  Undeniably, under the pressure of modern life and strong work intensity, nowadays many Chinese people feel insecure in heart, which make them impossible to understand or accept the occasional behaviors of etiquettes.
  Nevertheless, Zhang Xiaolong, who has long been engaged in research on etiquette and teaching, feels confident in the future. According to Zhang Xiaolong, our whole society and the government pay more and more attention to the popularization and utilization of national etiquette. A feature film named Xin Ya Yue, of which Zhang Xiaolong is the chief director, has been displayed in a loop mode on the biggest screen on Times Square, the US, to present the global audience the essence of the theme “etiquette” of the feature film, serving as a brand new deduction of the role of China as a state of etiquette and ceremonies in front of the whole world.
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