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Multi-gigahertz laser generation based on monolithic ridge waveguide and embedded copper nanoparticl

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sykjzhb
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Copper (Cu) nanoparticles (NPs) are synthesized under the near-surface region of the Nd:Y3Al5O12 (Nd:YAG) crystal by direct Cu ions implantation. Subsequently, the monolithic ridge waveguide with embedded Cu NPs is fabricated by C4 ions irradiation and diamond saw dicing. The nonlinear optical response of the sample is investigated by the Z-scan technique, and pronounced saturable absorption is observed at the 1030 nm femtosecond laser. Based on the obvious saturable absorption of Cu NPs embedded Nd:YAG crystal, 1 μm monolithic mode-locked pulsed waveguide laser is implemented by evanescent field interaction between NPs and waveguide modes, reaching the pulse duration of 24.8 ps and repetition rate of 7.8 GHz. The work combines waveguides with NPs, achieving pulsed laser devices based on monolithic waveguide chips.
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提出了一种采用化学腐蚀方法制备光纤Fabry-Perot(F-P)位移传感器的方法。采用浓度为40%的氢氟酸溶液腐蚀处理单模光纤端面, 通过电弧放电对光纤端面进行熔接, 制作光纤F-P传感器, 并通过改变传感腔尾纤的粗糙度对其进行优化。实验中, 将制备好的F-P腔结构的尾纤端面做未切平和切平处理, 得到的条纹对比度分别为16和8dB。分别对两种情况的光纤F-P传感器的位移特性进行了实验和分析, 结果表明:采用化学腐蚀法制作的光纤F-P传感器对位移具有良好的灵敏度和线性拟合优度, 尾纤端未切平的F-P的线性
Hundreds picosecond strong short-wavelength pulses have been generated by a backward Raman oscillator amplifier pumped with a 10-J KrF laser from Heaven-1 MOPA system. Not only high power but also high energy laser pulses have been obtained with an energy
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本文基于投影纠缠对态的自旋梯子系统的张量网络算法提供了一个有效的方法, 来研究两腿自旋1/2的XXZ梯子量子系统的量子临界性, 通过与单位格点基态保真度相结合, 得到清晰的基态保真度三维图, 来探测量子多体系统的量子相变, 从而可以绘制出两腿自旋1/2XXZ梯子量子模型的基态相图, 在相图中出现铁磁(FM)相、条纹铁磁(SF)相、Néel(N)相、条纹Néel(SN)相、Rung singlet(RS)相、Haldane(H)相、Rung triplet(RT)相、临界XY相(XY1相和XY2相)。在不知