
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juntao2010
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of soot particles in C2H4/CO2/O2/N2 combustion at equivalence ratio of 3.0-5.0. As the oxidant is switched from conventional air to CO2/O2/N2 mixture, the key species C2H2, C3H3 responsible for formation of first aromatic ring, the typical aromatics and 4-ring aromatics total production rate all decrease greatly. In addition, with CO2 mole fraction from 0.2 to 0.5 in the mixture, the soot particle number density, volume fraction, surface area density, which are three most important parameters to soot particle property, are suppressed obviously. Furthermore, the increasing content of CO2 in the oxidizer influences mostly H, OH radical concentrations by two reactions: CO+OH=CO2+H and H+O2=O+OH, and the production rate of H, OH from the two reactions declined, which revealed that CO2 in mixture has an inhibiting effect on soot particle generation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of soot particles in C2H4 / CO2 / O2 / N2 combustion at equivalence ratio of 3.0-5.0. As the oxidant is switched from conventional air to CO2 / O2 / N2 mixture, the key species C2H2 , C3H3 responsible for formation of first aromatic ring, the typical aromatics and 4-ring aromatics total production rate all decrease greatly. In addition, with CO2 mole fraction from 0.2 to 0.5 in the mixture, the soot particle number density, volume fraction, surface Further, the increasing content of CO2 in the oxidizer editors mostly H, OH radical concentrations by two reactions: CO + OH = CO2 + H and H + O2 = O + OH, and the production rate of H, OH from the two reactions declined, which revealed that CO2 in mixture has an inhibiting effect on soot particle generation.
目的研究牛蒡子化学成分。方法采用硅胶柱色谱,Sephadex LH-20等方法对牛蒡子进行分离纯化,通过理化性质和核磁图谱数据鉴定化合物结构。结果从牛蒡子中分离鉴定13种化合物,
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本文着重探讨了数字图书馆在自身信息资源建设和管理方面所遇到的知识产权问题,从数字图书馆的馆藏数字化建设、 开发建立数据库、信息资源内容链接等角度,研究数字图书馆建
柞蚕蛹中毒近10多年屡有报道,且均为散发病例。桑蚕蛹中毒鲜见报道。近期我院1日内共收治共食桑蚕蛹后集体中毒12例,报告如下。 12例患者中,男8例,女4例,年龄24~61岁。均同桌共食水煮加盐桑蚕蛹,
1 病例介绍患者 ,女 ,36岁 ,肝功能化验正常 ,HBs Ag,HBc Ag,抗 - HBC,HBe Ag,抗 - HBe均阴性 ,1999年7月 17日晚 2 0∶ 4 0患者在某部卫生所注射乙肝疫苗10 ug,约 3分钟患