Some Thoughts on the Development Strategy of Shanghai's Pudong District

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxhbj2009
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The development of Shanghai's Pudong District has be- come a big event of world significance attracting the atten- tion of the Shanghai people and that of China.The making of the plan for Pudong development has started already and the legal documents regarding the preferential policies and other policies have been worked out and made public. The Pudong development is under its way.However,we should notice that there are still such questions as what road the Pudong development should take,how to develop it,what are the goals for the development what is its devel- opment strategy etc,which still require to be answered.The development strategic target is the base for the development of a city or a district.All the oplicies and activities of a city's development should start from and come back to this base. It is also the base for city planning.What role can a plan without strategic goals?However,strategic goals can not be determined by the planning department or any other practical sectors of a city.This The development of Shanghai’s Pudong District has be- come a big event of world features attracting the atten- tion of the Shanghai people and that of China. The making of the plan for Pudong development has started already and the legal documents regarding the preferential Policies and other policies have been worked out and made public. The Pudong development is under its way.However,we should notice that there are such such questions as what road the Pudong development should take,how to develop it,what are the goals for The development what is its devel- opment strategy etc,which still requires to be answered.The development strategic target is the base for the development of a city or a district.All the oplicies and activities of a city’s development should start from and Just back to this base. It is also the base for city planning.What role can a plan without strategic goals?However,strategic goals can not be determined by the planning department or any other practical se Ctors of a city.This
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