Progress in Thermal Contact Resistance

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqlgx123456
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The developments of aeronautics and astronautics require engines of higher quality. The temperature distribution in combustion engine is highly influenced by the thermal conduct resistance. To predict the temperature field of the hot-end assemblies of combustion engine, the thermal contact resistance must be considered. The object of the study is to propose a model of high application including in conditions of high temperature and high pressure. Up to date, many models and empirical or semi-empirical correlations have been developed, also researchers designed different test equipments according to specific conditions. This paper presents several representative models and test equipments, compares the merits and drawbacks with each other, and gives recommendations for further research. The developments of aeronautics and astronautics require engines of higher quality. The temperature distribution in combustion engine is highly influenced by the thermal conduct resistance. To predict the temperature field of the hot-end assemblies of combustion engine, the thermal contact resistance must be considered. The object of the study is to propose a model of high application including in conditions of high temperature and high pressure. Up to date, many models and empirical or semi-empirical correlations have been developed, also researcher designed different test equipments according to specific conditions This paper presents several representative models and test equipments, compares the merits and drawbacks with each other, and gives recommendations for further research.
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可回收水的中空花盆  给植物浇水难免会加水过量,如果使用这款中空花盆,那些多浇的水就会流进花盆的底部空间。当阳光照射时,底部空间的水分被蒸发,又会在杯口凝结,重新为植物浇灌。这个创意是不是很巧妙啊!  预防传染的  瓶口支架  多人之间在使用同一水瓶喝水时,为了预防传染,一般都悬空瓶嘴,直接向嘴里倾倒,可很多时候都会把水洒出來。这款瓶口支架可为你提供一个支点,帮你稳定瓶身,同时也能保持与瓶嘴的距离