
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songfenhao3
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Background: Endoscopic optical coherence tomography (EOCT) is a high-resolution, cross-sectional tissue-imag- ing technique that provides microscopic morphologic information. EOCT should detect dysplasia in Barrett‘s epithelium, but this has not been established in a prospective blinded study. This study evaluated the accuracy of EOCT for the diagnosis and the exclusion of dysplasia in patients with Barrett‘s esophagus. Methods: A 2.4 mm diameter EOCT probe was modified for use with a cap-fitted, two -channel endoscope. Pairs of EOCT image streams and jumbo biopsy specimens were obtained. Endoscopy/EOCT procedures were performed by 4 endoscopists who separa tely reviewed the EOCT digital images for the absence or the presence of dysplas ia (low grade, high grade, or cancer) for each biopsy specimen obtained. The end oscopists were blinded to the interpretation of the pathology. An experienced pa thologist blinded to the endoscopic/EOCT findings evaluated each biopsy for the absence or the presence of dysplasia. The setting of the study was a major acade mic medical center. Adult patients with documented Barrett‘s esophagus greater than 2 cm were included in the study. The main outcome measurement was the accur acy of EOCT in the detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett‘s esophagus. Results: A total of 314 usable EOCT image stream/biopsy pairs were obtained in 33 patients. By using histology as the standard, the performance of EOCT was sensitivity, 68%; specificity, 82%; positive predictive value, 53%; negative predictive value, 89%; and diagnostic accuracy, 78%. Diagnostic accuracy for the 4 endoscopists ranged from 56%to 98%. Limitations of the study were the variability in endoscopists‘accuracy rates, difficulty in real-time interpretation, and the need for refined criteria of dysplasia by EOCT imaging. Conclusions: The current EOCT system has an accuracy of 78%for the detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett‘s esophagus. EOCT could be used to target biopsies to areas of Barrett‘s epithelium with a higher probability for the presence of dysplasia. However, further modifications, including increased resolution and identification of further pot ential OCT characteristics of dysplasia, are needed before EOCT can be used clin ically. Background: Endoscopic optical coherence tomography (EOCT) is a high-resolution, cross-sectional tissue-imaging technique that provides microscopic morphologic information. EOCT should detect dysplasia in Barrett’s epithelium, but this has not been established in a prospective blinded study. This study evaluated the accuracy of EOCT for the diagnosis and the exclusion of dysplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. Methods: A 2.4 mm diameter EOCT probe was modified for use with a cap-fitted, two-channel endoscope. Pairs of EOCT images streams and jumbo biopsy specimens were obtained. Endoscopy / EOCT procedures were performed by 4 endoscopists who separa tely reviewed the EOCT digital images for the absence or the presence of dysplas ia (low grade, high grade, or cancer) for each biopsy specimen obtained. The end oscopists were blinded to the interpretation of the pathology. An experienced pa thologist blinded to the endoscopic / EOCT findings seem each biopsy for the absence The setting of the study was a major acade mic medical center. Adult patients with documented Barrett’s esophagus greater than 2 cm were included in the study. The main outcome measurement was the accur acy of EOCT in the detection of using dysplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. Results: A total of 314 usable EOCT image stream / biopsy pairs were obtained in 33 patients. By using histology as the standard, the performance of EOCT was sensitivity, 68%; specificity, 82% ; positive predictive value, 53%; negative predictive value, 89%; and diagnostic accuracy, 78%. Diagnostic accuracy for the 4 endoscopists ranged from 56% to 98%. Limitations of the study were the variability in endoscopists’accuracy rates, difficulty in real-time interpretation, and the need for refined criteria of dysplasia by EOCT imaging. Conclusions: The current EOCT system has an accuracy of 78% for the detection of dysplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. EOCT could be us ed to targetbiopsies to areas of Barrett’s epithelium with a higher probability for the presence of dysplasia. However, further modifications, including increased resolution and identification of further pot ential OCT characteristics of dysplasia, are needed before EOCT can be used clinically.
<正> 1 概述浇注式电流互感器已在35kV及以下的电力系统中大量使用。它具有体积小、绝缘性能好、机械强度高、防潮、维护简单等优点,已成为高压开关柜和户内电气装置中常用的
<正> 在中外美学史上,狄德罗的“美是关系”说,很为美学界重视,在我国至今仍有不少赞同者。 狄德罗的“美是关系”一说,是美学史上从主观观念和客观实体两方面单独进行探讨美
<正> 松赞干布是与唐太宗同时代的一位有名的历史人物,是中国人民世代传颂的民族英雄。关于他的功绩,世人虽有所评述,但还很不深入。本文拟就松赞干布的生年与执政,统一部各
摘要:本次研究采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过对西南石油大学各运动队训练和管理现状进行分析研究,找出在训练、管理和队伍建设上存在的主要问题,为进一步促进西南石油大学运动队建设和发展提供一定理论依据与数据参考。  关键词:运动代表队;现状;调查分析  西南石油大学作为一所全日制综合型大学,体育运动队是校园体育的一个重要组成部分,对学生的身心发展有着积极的促进作用。本文将
<正> 如果说当代科技迅猛发展引起的信息爆炸和知识更新的浪潮,已经或正在进一步催动各种传统学科的革命性变革和新学科的不断涌现的话,那末,比较地说,美学这门传统学科受到