
来源 :国外机车车辆工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kantstop
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尽管热喷涂具有无可否认的优点 ,但它毕竟是一种很费时间的工艺 ,同时用于预处理待喷涂工件的一些溶剂和喷射介质 ,会造成生态环境的问题。很多金属重新氧化的时间非常短 ,这也给热喷涂带来了困难。Sulzer Metco公司提出的激光辅助喷涂工艺把待喷涂表面的清洁、活化及喷涂三个工序结合为一道工序。与传统工艺相比 ,该方法使工艺过程更快捷、更经济 ,对环境的污染也更小。 Despite the undeniable advantages of thermal spraying, after all, it is a time-consuming process and at the same time is used to pretreat some of the solvents and spray media of the workpiece to be sprayed, causing ecological problems. Many metals reoxidize very little time, which also poses difficulties for thermal spraying. The laser-assisted spray process proposed by Sulzer Metco combines the three steps of cleaning, activating and spraying the surface to be sprayed into one process. Compared with the traditional process, this method makes the process faster, more economical and less polluting to the environment.
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