Before Sunrise  日出之前

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  French girl CeIine is reading on the trainfrom Budapest to Paris. The reason ofchoosing a train instead of a plane is thatshe is scared of flight. Disturbed by the quarrelingcouple sitting opposite to her, Celine moves toanother car with fewer people where she meets anAmerican young man Jesse who has beentraveling around in Europe from Madrid toVienna. Starting their casual conversation onrandom topics from languages to childhoodmemories, they discover that they share a lot ofthings in common. Since Jesse will get off inVienna from where he will fly back to America thenext morning, he feels it’s a regret that he has toleave the girl. Gathering all his courage, he invitesCeline to get off the train with him and wanderaround Vienna since he has not enough money forhotel. Hesitating for a moment, Celine gets herbag and goes with Jesse.
  Hence they start their trip in Vienna. Firstthey meet a group of guys who warmly invitethem to attend their avant-garde2 drama aboutholy cows to be staged in the evening. Thenthey tour the scenic spots using the city’spublic transportation on which they play thegame of Q and A asking each other questionsabout their life experiences, including eachother’s likes and dislikes. When they comeacross a record shop, Celine picks up an albumand they try it in the booth3. It is a love songby an American singer. Though not perfect,the lYric of love is really touching. On thestreet, they talk about their parents and theirmarriages and divorce, concluding that howdifferent their generation was. Then they visita cemetery which Celine once visited. Uponseeing so many nameless graves on the bank ofthe Danube, they discuss whether there aresouls4. On the ferris wheel of the funfair,s theywatch the sunset which is so beautiful. In sucha romantic atmosphere, they can’t help kissingeach other.
  When they dine in a pub, a fortunetellerpredicts Celine’s bright future though Jessedoesn’t believe such silly things. Out of thepub, they are stopped by a guy sitting in a boatat the bank of the Danube. He tells them that hecan compose a poem to be based on any wordthey are to utter. Jesse is not interested, butCeline would like to give it a try by saying"milkshake". Before long, a poem flows out ofthe guy’s pen and it reads like this.
  "Daydream delusion / Limousine eyelash /Oh, baby, with your pretty face/Drop a tear inmy wine glass/Look at those big eyes/Seewhat you mean to me/Sweet cakes andmilkshakes/I am a delusion angel/I’m afantasy parade/I want you to know what Ithink / Don’t want you to guess anymore / Youhave no idea where I came from/We have noidea where we’re going/Lodged in life/Likebranches in the river/Flowing downstream/Caught in the current / I carry you / You’ll carryme/That’s how it could be/Don’t you knowme?/Don’t you know me by now?"
  Touched by the poem, Celine gives a lot ofcoins to the guy. But Jesse just smiles at
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8月20日,UIAA尊重山脉一飞速羚羊不留痕越野跑环保主题日活动在甘肃武威天祝县冰沟河生态文化旅游景区举行。由野性祁连越野跑发起,联合国际户外品牌HOKA ONE ONE,以飞速羚羊不留痕一越野跑环保主题日,开启中国尊重山脉运动的开端。  来自HOKA ONE ONE的精英跑者运艳桥、向付召和罗灿华与野性祁连战队的跑者共同踏上冰沟河景区的山路,清理垃圾达20公斤,以实际行动尊重山脉。同时,他们号召
2009年4月17日下午,第十三届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛上海对外贸易学院选拔赛在我校信息楼隆重举行。正反两队围绕“People’’s act of keeping pets interferes with the rights of animals”的辩题展开激烈论辩,最终反方更胜一筹,成为了这场角力的赢家。  作为本次校级选拔赛的评委之一,同时作为即将带队赴京参赛的指导教师,我想借此机会,把
2016年9月,在结束了两年的孔子学院的任教后,我毅然踏上了从西非国家贝宁单车骑行回国的旅程。在历时360天、骑行16000公里、途经16国之后,于2017年9月经新疆喀拉苏口岸回到了我的祖国。    回忆起这段历时一年的难忘经历,路上见到的不同文化背景却真实鲜活的当地人,遇到的一个个平凡却立体的故事,构成了属于我的骑行记忆。故事开始于2014年,本科毕业后的我,因机缘巧合,成为了一名汉语教师志愿
中国户外金犀牛奖  提名白云岩变奏曲  拍摄制作  赵忠军 翟琨  攀登者  王志明 邱洪树  提名理由  阿尔卑斯山东部的多洛米蒂山区是全世界攀登者心中的圣地之一。这里山峦壮阔、奇峰林立,以白云岩著称,非常适合开展徒步、攀岩等山地运动。2019年夏末秋初,攀登者王志明、邱洪树来到意大利北部的多洛米蒂,开启了他们的大岩壁攀登之旅。影片讲述了两位攀登者在三峰山(Tre Cime)主教直上(Comic
中国户外金犀牛奖  提名天津藏十年公益服务交流中心  提名理由  2019年5月~9月,藏十年志愿者峰行团队南卡、伊冉、张恒多次前往雪山。在希夏邦马徒步路线上,他们沿途捡垃圾,装满了10个大编织袋。在贡嘎山域,他们清理了1吨多的垃圾,装满了21个大编织袋。作为摄影师,三人拍摄了一系列雪山垃圾为主题的作品,并受邀参加连州国际摄影年展,向全世界展示藏十年在公益路上新的探索。  藏十年缘起于1998年,
怀特贼在工会剧场的侧幕区域。图中照片拍摄于2006 年怀特贼第一次探索朝内81 号时,那时大门上还有醒目的涂鸦,现在早已被清理掉。  2019年,是我开始废墟探险项目“冷却计划”的第13年。这期间由于工作或其他因素,探险有所中断,但我对废墟美学的追求始终依旧,还保持着当初那份进入废墟的兴奋和执念。  先说说我是怎么开始废墟探险的吧。2006年,我还是个学习艺术的大学生,从小就喜欢拍照,也喜欢钻防空
兴文石海天下奇——僰王古道百英里超级越野赛即将启动  7月19日四川兴文县僰王古道?等你称王——探寻僰人秘境7月跑山季成功举办。该系列赛是兴文县体旅融合,助力全域旅游、天府旅游名縣创建,为复工复产开启征程的一场预热赛。本场比赛中25公里、56公里组完赛率分别为33%、47%。  僰王古道?BoTRAIL超级越野赛作为全新的赛事IP,赛道途经著名风景区:兴文石海、僰王山、僰人巨石阵、石菊古地、仙峰山
野外的夜晚格外迷人,夜空中是微凉的月色和弥漫的雾气。伴着月色虫鸣,是时候钻进香软的被褥里,做一场关于大自然的甜梦。  睡眠质量的好坏和寝具息息相关。睡袋和睡垫是露营寝具的基础:睡垫是我们在户外的床垫,睡袋则扮演着被子的功能。在野外与家中不同,面对不同的季节,不同的自然环境,我们需要做足准备,以面对大自然漫漫长夜带给我们的考验。  关于露营寝具,我们给大家提供了一个最简的搭配供参考。如果最简搭配还是