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我国在教育改革中,大力提倡发展职业教育,专业培养职业人才教育,以适应国情发展以及对人才的需求。而新课改的深入,强调了学生的素质教育和人文教育,因此发展美术教育得到了充分的肯定。中职美术教育发展需要加强中职教师自身素质与专业知识水平,明确培养中职生加强美术教育的发展目标,切实贯彻我国的职业教育理念。本文阐述了中职美术教育的现状分析,以及发展中职美术新课程改革的深入,强调学生的素质教育和对人文情怀的培养,传统的教育理念和教学内容 In education reform in our country, we strongly advocate the development of vocational education and professional training of professionals in order to adapt to the development of our country and the demand for qualified personnel. The new curriculum reform in-depth, emphasizing the quality of education and humanities education, development of art education has been fully affirmed. The development of secondary vocational education needs to strengthen secondary vocational teachers’ own quality and professional knowledge, clearly train secondary vocational students to enhance the development goals of art education, and earnestly carry out the concept of vocational education in our country. This article expounds the status quo of secondary vocational education, as well as the deepening of the reform of the new curriculum of secondary vocational fine arts, emphasizing the students’ quality education and the cultivation of human feelings, the traditional educational concepts and teaching content
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