Ion Photon Emission Microscope for Single Event Effect Testing in CIAE

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowsky001
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Ion photon emission microscopy(IPEM) is a new ion-induced emission microscopy. It employs a broad ion beam with high energy and low fluence rate impinging on a sample. The position of a single ion is detected by an optical system with objective lens, prism, microscope tube and charge coupled device(CCD). A thin ZnS lilm doped with Ag ions is used as a luminescent material. Generation efficiency and transmission efficiency of photons in the ZnS(Ag) film created by irradiated Cl ions are calculated. A single Cl ion optical microscopic image is observed by high quantum efficiency CCD. The resolution of a single Cl ion given in this IPEM system is 6μm. Several factors influencing the resolution are discussed. A silicon diode is used to collect the electrical signals caused by the incident ions. Effective and accidental coincidence of optical images and electronic signals are illustrated. A two-dimensional map of single event effect is drawn out according to the data of effective coincidence. It employs a broad ion beam with high energy and low fluence rate impinging on a sample. The position of a single ion is detected by an optical system with objective lens, Prism, microscope tube and charge coupled device (CCD). A thin ZnS lilm doped with Ag ions is used as a luminescent material. Generation efficiency and transmission efficiency of photons in the ZnS (Ag) film created by irradiated Cl ions are calculated. A single Cl ion optical microscopic image is observed by high quantum efficiency CCD. The resolution of a single Cl ion given in this IPEM system is 6 μm. Several factors influencing the resolution are discussed. A silicon diode is used to collect the electrical signals caused by the the Effective and accidental coincidence of optical images and electronic signals are illustrated. A two-dimensional map of single event effect is drawn out according to the data of effective coincidency ce.
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2008年3月12日,中国民俗钱币学会和报国寺收藏市场在北京报国寺召开座谈会,中央电视台鉴宝节目、中国收藏杂志等媒体,中国收藏家协会、各地民俗钱币爱好者等40余人参加。中国钱币学会副理事长、国家文物鉴定委员会委员戴志强先生应邀出席并发言。  戴志强先生此前为中国民俗钱币学会的成立题写了贺词:“民俗钱币是中国钱币的重要组成部分。古钱有正用品和非正用品两类。非正用品亦可统称之谓压胜钱,即今所言之民俗钱