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我是一个民办教师,今年28岁。我四岁丧父,靠丧失体力劳动能力的母亲带着我们弟兄三人过活,家境十分贫困。9岁时我才上学读书,68年小学毕业,69年中学不招生,70年,母亲一定让我读书,才上了中学。初中毕业(那时是两年制)又回队务农了。74年我所在的大队小学缺乏教师,我热爱教育事业,主动要求当一名人民教师。学校领导了解我,让我先代课。一年以后被转为民办教师。打这以后,我就下决心把自己的全部精力放在教学 I am a private teacher and I am 28 years old. When I was four years old, I was lost in my father’s life and was living in poverty with my brother and three of my mum who lost their ability to work hard. When I was 9, I went to school. I graduated from primary school in 68 and did not recruit students in 69 years of middle school. After 70 years, my mother would definitely let me study until I was in high school. Junior high school graduation (then two years) went back to work in agriculture. In 1974, I lacked a primary school primary school teacher, I love education, volunteered to be a teacher of the people. School leaders understand me, let me take the lead in class. A year later was converted to private teachers. After I fight, I’m determined to put all my energy into teaching
  Background: Suicide rate is a macro indicator of the populations psychosocial wellbeing and an evaluation criterion of the effectiveness of suicide preventi
  Background: The prevalence of suicide in HIV/AIDS-infected patients has been under researched in developing countries including South Africa.Some deaths due
本文评述复数信号频谱分析中的最大熵法.业已证明,对于雷达杂波的频谱分析,用很少的数据就可以得到可靠的短期频谱估计值,而且它照样具有良好的分辨能力。 This paper revie
本文采用计算机Monte Carlo模拟方法研究雷达广义符号检验法(GS)检测器及其两种简化形式在Weibull杂波中的性能。给出了模拟计算的定量结果,详细讨论了Weibull杂波形状参数、
  Background: The suicide rate is increasing in Taiwan in the past years.There is a great need for inexpensive and effective means of maintaining contact and