A Reflection of Teaching Methods on Chinese Cultural Values

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonzhofpcb
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  【Abstract】Intercultural communication has played an important role in many aspects in our life. It is also reflected in our daily teaching. In this paper, the author mainly analyzes some of the reflections on the teaching methods used in the classroom, and links them to Chinese cultural values, as well as to the specific demographics that a Chinese classroom presents.
  【Key words】teaching methods; cross culture; cultural values
  The author has been teaching English in a senior high school for years, and now, there are 40 students in the class, including 23 girls and 17 boys. Referring to the two kinds of genders, girls always have gifts in learning languages, while boys always have gifts in learning science subjects. Though the number of the girls is more than that of the boys, it does not reveal any feature of what it should be in the feminine culture almost at all. Girls prefer to behave like boys, per contra, boys somewhat behave like girls. This class is a traditional Chinese one that is high in power distance. Students sit row by row, facing towards the teacher as most of the traditional Chinese classes do.
  According to the teaching syllabus, each teaching unit should be divided into four parts, that is, “Period 1.Warming up and Reading”, “Period 2. Language points”, “Period 3. Grammar”, and “Period 4. Using language (Listening, Speaking and Writing)”. For each part, the relative teaching methods vary somewhat differently. While handling the textbooks, the author always uses such teaching methods as Direct Method, Task-based Approach, Grammar Translation Method, and Audio-Visual Approach.
  First, culture values reflected by using Direct Method will be illustrated.
  At the beginning of Period 1, the author usually prepares some questions for leading them into the topic of a new unit, and during this period, only target language—English is allowed to speak, which reflects the high uncertainty avoidance. Question and answer exercises are designed to have the new unit fully understood by students, which is in the direct way of communication, and the author asks the individual student to answer questions in turn.
  Besides asking questions, the most common tool the author uses in class is PowerPoint slides, which makes the class more interesting and effective. The way of showing PPT is in a high power distance because the students should pay more attention to the instruction. It is also in a low context that the background information has to be provided because of the newly-introduced topic.   In most of the schools in China, there is a period about 30 minutes for the students to read English or Chinese aloud in every early morning, usually ended before 8 a.m.. The author often gives them a dictation to check their English words during this period. Dictation, which typically represents individualism and the high power distance, as well as the direct way of communication, is an exercise frequently used in consolidation with written work in Direct Method.
  Second, Task-Based Approach will be linked to cultural values.
  After three to five minutes’ warming up in Period 1, the author will ask them to go on to the reading passage consisting of 4 to 6 paragraphs. While learning the reading material, the learning process reflects the high power distance. The author will design some types of exercises, such as filling the blanks, matching the main idea of each paragraph, true or false questions, and multiple choice questions, all of which need to be finished individually. When doing these exercises, the high context that emphasizes all the students’ understanding of the passage is referred.
  All the exercises that the author designs after the comprehension is to help the students think more about the deep meaning of the passage, so the author will give them some other tasks to finish in their own groups, such as a role-play and pair-works that stand for collectivism in low power distance done by a group of students, while interviews and surveys representing the individualism. These are all student-centered tasks in high context. Students representing their own groups compete with each other in class, which reflects culture in the masculine societies.
  Third, Grammar Translation Method will be shown.
  It is mostly used in Period 2 and 3, and it is the teacher-centered education that represents the high power distance and the high uncertainty avoidance as well as the masculine culture. It is also in the low context that the author often teaches the students the usage of a word or a phrase, and what they can do is only to listen to the author carefully and take notes constantly. Sometimes the author may ask some of them to make sentences by using the new words to reinforce the usage. Thus, it also shows the direct way of communication. In the process of teaching grammar, students learn grammatical rules by rote and then apply those rules by doing some exercises. In these two periods, the way they learn could be regarded as what it should be in the individualism as well.   Fourth, Audio-Visual Approach will also reflect some cultural values.
  In Period 4, there is always a short reading passage, a listening task, an oral practice and a writing task. While listening, they sometimes listen to a MP3, and sometimes, watch a video without the subtitle, and after listening, they should finish the tasks designed before. Exercises for the listening part will be finished by individuals, which represents the direct way of communication and the low context. During oral practice, students perform the task in small groups in the collectivist cultures and the feminine culture in the small power distance. After these, there will be a writing task that is usually related to the unit topic for the students to practice, and in which, students as individualism express their own opinions independently and directly, as well as in the high context.
  Some teaching methods are always used in the polychronic way. It is necessary to use different methods alternately in one class according to the concrete teaching materials. Each teaching method will reflect one or more cultural values that are not contradictory but acceptable. What people should do is to make better use of them.
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【摘要】本文以动态系统理论为视角,通过分析动态系统理论及其特点,探索二语习得过程中商务英语词汇教学的特点,并启发高校商务英语教师行之有效地开展商务词汇教学活动。  【关键词】商务英语词汇;动态系统理论;教学;二语习得  【作者简介】张艳红(1982-),女,河北张家口人,河北农业大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语语言文学;赵丹(1982-),女,河北保定人,河北农业大学外国语学院,讲师,硕
【摘要】在我国,非英语专业的大学英语教学以大班授课为主,给课堂教学带来了很多新问题。然而,网络的发展可以有效地减少大班英语教学所带来的弊端,提高课堂效率。本文在分析现行大学英语大班教学存在问题的基础上,提出了如何借助网络的发展提高大学英语课堂的教学效果,形成有效课堂。  【关键词】英语大班教学;网络;问题与策略  【作者简介】高丹丹(1990.03-),女,汉族,山东聊城人,山东工程职业技术大学,
【摘要】本文主要以蒙古语“名 形”复合词为研究对象,试图运用基于认知配价关系上建立的自主/依存聯结分析模型并对此复合词组成成分之间的语义关系进行深入探讨,从而揭示蒙古语“名 形”复合词的语义内在动因和认知理据。研究发现,蒙古语“名 形”复合词的语义生成并不是其组成成分间的简单相加,而是生成新概念的复杂过程。而这过程具有自身的认知特点并反映着蒙古族的构词心里。  【关键词】蒙古语;“名 形”复合词;
【摘要】学术规范是学术发展繁荣的基石,重视并严守学术规范是每一位研究生应该坚持的。学人只有从内心认可学术规范,尊崇学术职业道德,才会在行为上践行学术规范。本文从研究生现存的学术规范出现的问题及原因以及自己对本课程的心得体会等方面分析了专业学位研究生专业素养培养现状及存在的问题,以此探索培养提高研究生专业素养的措施,同时浅议学人严守学术规范的重要性,正人心正学风,学术活动的重要性。  【关键词】学术
【摘要】本文以作者所在院校为例,主要探讨体育院校英语专业如何设计课外听力实训教学,从学情、理念和实践三个方面逐一分析,并指出听力实训过程中的不足及改进建议。  【关键词】听力实训;学情;教学理念  【作者简介】徐暘,沈阳体育学院。  听力是一门英语专业基础课,决定了英语专业学生的英语学习效果和英语交际能力。此外,从国家教育政策及地方教育发展规划中不难看出英语的实际运用能力是教育的必然要求,英语的工
【摘要】现代的教育事业已经处在不断的改革中,以往传统的教育模式已经不能再适应现代高中英语课堂教学的需求。本文阐述了在高中英语教学中实施课堂互动教学模式的重要性,并就课堂互动模式在高中英语教学中的具体运用策略给出了分析。  【关键词】高中英语;课堂互动模式;重要性;运用策略  【作者简介】魏娜,江西省抚州市临川一中。  随着高中英语新课改的深入发展,传统的教师讲授式模式已经渐现弊端。课堂互动教学模式
【摘要】中職英语技能大赛是中职师生英语教学水平的竞技,也是职业英语教学理念和经验交流的展示平台,它对于中职学校教学模式和人才培养的方式转变具有十分重要的意义。尽管影响大赛成绩的因素是多方面的,但是参赛选手的选拔是决定大赛奖次的关键性因素之一。本文拟就中职职业英语技能大赛中参赛选手的选拔进行探析。  【关键词】中职英语技能大赛;专业知识;心理素质;学习态度;团队意识  【作者简介】徐军,甘肃省民勤县
【摘要】关联理论是一种有关语言交际的认知语用学理论。听力的提高一直是我国大学英语教学中的重点之一,也一直困扰着相当大一部分大学生。在商务英语的听力练习中运用关联理论,将被动的转化为主动,有利于启发学生的认知能力和思维能力,提高商务英语听力学习的效果,在各种商务活动中用英语有效地去沟通、交流。  【关键词】关联理论;商务英语;听力教学  【作者简介】刘洋,长春工业大学人文信息学院。  【基金项目】《
【Abstract】The research mainly aimed to find out that whether students who had access to large amounts of English fiction and non-fiction texts such as English novel, science books or newspapers would
【摘要】自西汉时期丝绸之路的开辟,中国与西方世界贸易往来的同时也产生了不同文化和思想之间的碰撞与交流。如何让中国文化走出去、在国际上塑造中国形象,成了当前的重要目标,而这一目标的实现离不开翻译,尤其是中国文化典籍的翻译。本文笔者从生态翻译学视角出发,选取《聊斋志异》宋贤德英译本,分析其中国文化专有项英译的处理,探索如何在微观层面上实现三维转换。  【关键词】生态翻译学;《聊斋志异》英译;文化专有项