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几百年来,故宫这座帝王之城经历过多次火灾和战争的洗礼。据资料记载,自1840年以后的一个世纪,故宫从未进行过大规模的维修。新中国成立后,故宫成为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,也是我国第一批被列入世界遗产名录的文物单位。国家文物部门对故宫也陆续进行过600多项大大小小的 For centuries, the Imperial City, the Imperial City, has undergone several fires and battles. According to statistics, since a century after 1840, the Forbidden City has never carried out large-scale maintenance. After the founding of New China, the Forbidden City became the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and also the first batch of cultural relics units listed in the World Heritage List in our country. National Heritage Department of the Forbidden City have also been carried out more than 600 large and small
一 中国国家博物馆藏有一尊唐代贞观二年(628年)的金铜造像,现于《大唐风韵》展上陈列。此像为坐姿菩萨,菩萨上身裸,着饰物,左手持莲花,右手下垂抚膝,半跏趺坐,左腿屈,右腿下
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Objective: To compare the effect of 2 regimens of intravenous fluid therapy on the course of labor. Methods: In a prospective, randomized, double-blind study of
After its establishment, the name of Hio Lung King Government Bank had been changed frequently as well as its warious split and consolidation, same changes had
We report two cases of amniotic fluid embolism, confirmed by histological examination. Both patients had an immediate post-partum haemorrhage that required an h
TOPSIS法是一种多指标多目标的评价方法〔1〕。国内采用该法对医院工作质量、计划免疫等方面进行了综合评价〔2 ,3〕,取得了较好的效果。本文应用系统工程中的TOPSIS法对 1999年我国 31个
Hemorrhage continues to be a serious complication of both obstetrical and gynecologic surgeries. Physicians have used packing in cases of uncontrollable hemorrh