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牡丹皮味苦性寒。牡丹乃天地之精,为群花之首。冬月含苞紫色,春初放叶,三月开花,五月结子。牡丹富贵占春多,入药根皮去积疴。理却劳伤经自利,除将吐衄血俱和。骨皮退热功同等,黄柏滋阴效更过。贵重浑如金百两,排脓还好痔疮科。注:本诗出自清·赵瑾叔《本草诗》。按:牡丹皮味苦性寒。牡丹乃天地之精,为群花之首。冬月含苞紫色,春初放叶,三月开花,五月结子。雷公云:凡采得根晒干,以铜刀劈破去骨,锉如大豆许,用清酒拌蒸,从巳至未,晒干用。 Mouton bitter cold. Peony is the essence of heaven and earth, the first of the flowers. Winter bud purple, spring leaves, March blossom, May knot. Peony rich spring, medicine root bark to plot 疴. However, labor is hurt by self-interest, in addition to vomit blood all. Gupi fever the same, Psidi Yin effect even more. Valuable muddy such as gold one hundred two, suppurative hemorrhoids better. Note: The poem from Qing Zhao Jinshu “Materia Medica.” Press: Moutan bitter cold. Peony is the essence of heaven and earth, the first of the flowers. Winter bud purple, spring leaves, March blossom, May knot. Lei Gongyun: where mining roots dried to split the bone with a copper knife, file such as soy Xu, mix with steaming wine, from Pat to not, with the sun.
The microbial communities blooming immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction represent abnormally extreme environments, and vary in different areas. In
采用反相高效液相色谱法 ,使用C18柱和紫外检测器 ,以甲醇 +水为流动相 ,在 2 2 0nm波长下 ,对腈菌唑·咪鲜胺乳油中腈菌唑和咪鲜胺进行定量测定。结果其线性关系分别为 0 .9
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This article mainly introduced novel carrier-modified methods for active targeting antitumor preparation as well as their evaluation methodology in recent years
湖北省人大常委会主任关广富先生的著作《经济发展论─—改革·战略·决策》于1999年初由湖北人民出版社出版发行。 作者以一省的经济发展为背景,全面分析了经济发展战略决策的重
The Quaternary biogenetic gas reservoirs in the east of Qaidam Basin have many characteristics such as late forming time,shallow burial depth,low diagenetic gra
东南亚金融危机爆发后 ,迅速席卷东亚各国 ,给他们的经济造成巨大破坏 ,甚至引发政治动荡。我国虽未卷入危机 ,但处于危机的中心地带 ,与邻国的经济往来又十分密切 ,因此 ,受