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我曾经接触过一些成功的中小企业业主,拥有强烈的成功欲望是他们的标志。有强烈的成功欲望还不够,还要有非常强烈的创新冲动,在市场经济中离不开创新,市场经济是竞争的环境,不创新就会被市场淘汰。在创新中,拥有敏锐的市场眼光很重要,就是要能够观察、能够猜测,甚至进一步引导顾客的欲望和市场的需求。首先观察了解市场需要什么,顾客有什么欲望,有的时候观察不清楚,那就需要猜测,很多时候新产品的开发就带有猜测心理,最后作为企业家还要有引导市场需求的魄力,通过观察、猜测、引导,推销企业产品。讲创新,首先要做的就是在产品方面的创新,就是能够开发新的产品,开发新的服务。了解到有什么新兴的产业将会产生,这需要企业家的眼光。以美国苹果电脑为例,当年计算机都是大型的,都是为政府、为大组织所用的,但是苹果电脑就开始考虑到会不会有适合家庭、适合个人使用的小电脑,就这样苹果汁算机开发出来了。所以看准新兴产业,在新兴产业当 I have contacted some successful small and medium-sized business owners. It is their mark to have a strong desire for success. It is not enough to have a strong desire for success, but also to have a very strong impulse to innovate. In the market economy, innovation is indispensable. The market economy is a competitive environment, and no innovation will be eliminated by the market. In the field of innovation, it is very important to have a keen market vision, that is, to be able to observe, be able to guess, and even further guide the desires of customers and the needs of the market. First of all, to observe what the market needs, what the customer desires, and sometimes the observation is not clear, then it is necessary to guess that many times the development of new products will have a guessing mentality. Finally, as entrepreneurs, they will also have the courage to guide market demand. Observe, guess, guide, and promote product sales. When it comes to innovation, the first thing to do is to innovate in products, that is, to develop new products and develop new services. It is necessary for entrepreneurs to understand what new industries will emerge. Take the United States Apple Computer as an example. Computers were large all the time. They were used by the government and large organizations. However, Apple Computer began to consider whether there would be small computers suitable for families and suitable for personal use. The computer was developed. So look for new industries, in emerging industries
婴儿亲子球操(以下简称“球操”)是一套婴儿在母亲(或者父亲)的帮助下、以发展身体各部位的动作为目的、借助色彩鲜艳的塑料球来完成的体操。 一、球操是一套深受母亲与婴儿
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