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  1. We should have a good rest during the examinations, otherwise we would feel exhausted.
  该句的精点之处在于exhausted一词,大多数考生在表达时可能会使用tired,相比之下,用exhausted比tired 更为传神,更能显示个人的词汇量。
  2. Rubbish has been acknowledged as one of the country’s biggest environmental challenge and the ban on plastic bags is one of the solutions to the problem.
  该句的亮点是acknowledged和challenge的使用,考生在表达此意思时所联想到的往往是regarded或considered和problem,而全然不知be acknowledged as可表达“被公认为……”的含义;而用challenge代替problem表达意思更胜一筹。
  3. Recycling and other factors have contributed to a serious waste of resource and serious environmental pollution as well.
  该句中的神奇之处是contributed to的使用,考生往往会根据汉语提示用caused或resulted in来表达此意,换个说法,也许会得到阅卷教师的赏识,因为显得与众不同。
  4. They think it a miserable thing to be forced to study what they have no interest in.
  5. On the other hand, there are an ocean of words for students to remember them all, as many students have voiced their complaint about.
  该句中的两处用词令人拍案叫绝,一为an ocean of words;二为voiced their complaint。
  6. Peking Opera has a long history and is abundant in traditional culture, which is beneficial to promote Chinese culture.
  7. Besides, owning cars indicates the advancement of our country, and in turn, it stimulates auto industry and therefore contributes to economic development.
  该句一连使用了几个并列的动词,indicates, stimulates, contributes to 生动地表明汽车业的迅猛发展,如果换用shows, develops, causes 相比之下就会显得相形见绌。
  8. On the whole, awareness of environment protection needs the collective efforts from the government as well as the public.
  1. He works hard. He often helps others. He is a good student. 试比较:He works hard. He often helps others. Isn’t he a good student? 比较一下,哪一种效果更好呢?
  2. Other students are against the idea. They say that the Beijing Zoo was built in 1906 and has a history of 100 years.
  Other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years. 该句使用saying现在分词做伴随状语,built过去分词作后置定语,避免了啰嗦与平淡,使句子简单明了、严密紧凑。
  3. Some students don’t realize the importance of their study; they spend too much of their time on computer games, and bring about the declines in their study.
  以上的句子,从语法上看,似乎无明显的错误,但从表达的效果而言,则并非理想。该句中的动词有realize,spend,bring about。此时若将句中的动词spend列为主要动词,其他的动词用从属的形式表达,表达效果则大不一样。如:
  Some students, unaware of the importance of their study, spend too much of their time on computer games, therefore bringing about the declines in their study.
  该句在表达上以动词spend为重心,将bring about以结果状语的形式出现,用现在分词的形式来表达,把原句中的not realize 用形容词unaware与介词of 搭配表示,以主语补足语的形式出现,因此经过改写的句子既突出了重点,也容纳了其他相关信息。
  4. Last week, I came back to my former school. When I entered the gate, I found her greatly changed. The paths had been widened. The playground had been enlarged, and many teaching buildings had been demolished. 该句可以改为:
  Last week, I came back to my former school. When I entered the gate, I found her greatly changed, the paths widened, the playground enlarged, and many teaching buildings demolished.
  此句中的几个并列的句子用独立主格结构的形式作解释性状语,依附于动词found 之后,从而更好地区分了主次。相比之下,后一句不但结构简洁,而且给人以排比的感觉。
  5. I think the safety in school activity is very important and meaningful, and it will help to make sure that we will be safe. For example, in all kinds of sport we must pay attention to being safe. And we should pay attention to our safety both at home and out of school. When the classmates are angry with each other, we must be calm and don’t fight.
  该段落虽无明显的错误,但给人以松散的感觉。另外两个pay attention to的短语重复使用,似乎显得不太协调。整个段落显得苍白无力,不能激发起阅卷教师的兴趣。试比较经过润色的段落:
  I consider this as indeed a good practice, which will make us aware that safety should always come first in our daily life, whether we stay at school or outside it. When we are doing sports we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt. Furthermore, when we get into trouble with our classmates, we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting, which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically.
  经过润色的段落用了两个非限制性定语从句、两个when 的状语从句和whether … or的状语从句,体现了多重复合句的有效使用。并使用副词Furthermore连接语篇,表示递进关系。还有动词短语attach importance to和副词mentally与physically的使用都堪称亮点。与前一短相比较,无论在句法结构和遣词造句上都更胜一筹。
  Li Ming’s home happened a fire at about 10:00 last night. It was said a cigarette butt thrown by someone carelessly caused the fire. All the things in his house were burnt down, but luckily, no man got hurt.
  As it hadn’t rained for a long time and the firewood piled everywhere, it was very easy to catch fire. People had already gone to bed by then. They got dressed and came out to put out the fire, because the fire had become very difficult to control.
  We hope that every one of us must be careful with fire in the future.
  A great fire happened in Li Ming’s home at about 10:00 last night. Luckily, no man got hurt, though all the things in his home were burnt down.
  It was said the fire was caused by a cigarette butt thrown by someone carelessly. As it hadn’t rained for a long time and the firewood was piled everywhere, it was very easy to catch fire. On the other hand, people had already gone to bed by then. When they got dressed and came out to put out the fire, the fire had become very difficult to control.
  Because of our carelessness, there will be a great disaster. From this event, we can see that we should be careful with fire in the future.
  经过润色的文章无论在结构上还是在层次上都给人以不同的感受。另外还使用了一些连接词和短语,如though, as, on the other hand, from this event等,使得文章结构紧凑。全文简单句和复合句穿插使用,使文章跌宕起伏,充分反映了其布局谋篇的能力。
函数是中学数学中最重要的一部分,因为它是贯穿整个中学数学的一根主线.许多内容都与它有联系,都能用其思想方法解决问题,是历年高考考查的重点内容;从近几年的高考试题看,函数的概念和性质在函数中处于核心地位,必须深刻理解和熟练掌握;同时也加强了利用函数有关的理论和方法解决问题能力的考查,因此要了解函数命题思路,做到有的放失,增强高考复习有效性.  一、函数三要素考查是体现数学概念抽象性  函数概念包括三
阅读下面唐宋诗词,探究后面的问题,说出自己的见解。    (一) 闻官军收河南河北  杜 甫  剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。  却看妻子愁何在,漫卷诗书喜欲狂。  白首放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。  即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。  注:这首诗,作于唐代宗广德元年(763)春天,作者五十二岁。浦起龙在《读杜心解》中称赞它是杜甫“生平第一首快诗。”  1.这是一首叙事抒情诗,为
A  Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world. In Sept.1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it. They had to be co
牛津英语 Module 11 Unit 3  一、重点单词  ◆1. brain n. 脑,脑髓brains (pl.) 智力,智慧;聪明的人;有智慧的人  The human brain is the centre of higher nervous activity. 人脑是高级神经活动的中心。  Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether any
文言文翻译历来是高考试卷中的难点,今年又提高了分值,复习时千万注意。  (一)注意文言实词的古今义  翻译文言文,首先要注意文言词汇的意义到今天已经有了很大的变化,有的扩大,有的缩小,有的转移,有的强化,有的弱化,有的名称改变,有的感情色彩发生变化等等。因此,翻译时首先要把词义的古今义辨析清楚。如:  例1:(2008高考山东卷)“吾弟,非犹夫人之弟;况为我死,我何生焉!”遂以斧自刎其项。
“好作文是自己改出来的”。高考复习进入攻坚阶段,作文是重中之重。许多地方的重要经验告诉我们,这时的冲刺写作要注重升格训练,即写一篇要指导学生修改升格一篇,起码要升格一个类别。下面举例试说。    【原作】    掌 声  掌声是不需要费你什么事却能促进别人成功的东西。它代表着你对别人的信任,对别人的充分肯定。  每当我遇到别人在困难面前退缩时,都会毫不吝啬地掌声献给他,因为别人在我想退缩的
函数是整个高中阶段最基础,也是最重要的知识单元.不少同学在高三复习过程中感觉自己分析问题、解决问题的能力总是处于“低空飞行”状态,无法实现较大的突破,尤其是涉及到“知识拓展延伸”、“相关知识融合”、“数学思想应用”等较高要求问题时找不到应对的方法.  事实上,在高三复习过程中,对于函数知识的复习还是有章可循的,首先我们有必要回顾近五年江苏高考数学试题对函数知识的考查要求,进而重新审视江苏高考对函数
(一)  阅读短文,并根据其内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。  注意:每空一词。  The city of Rome has passed a new law to prevent cruelty to animal. All goldfish bowls are no longer allowed and dog owners must walk their dogs.  This
“和”是一个具有特殊用法的词语。从词性来看,可以是连词,表示并列;也可以是介词,表示对象。“和”是一个比较活跃的词语,尤其是在病句训练中,更体现了它的多变性,出现的频率也比较高。下面结合典型试题进行分类解析。    一、看似并列其实从属    1.现象概说  使用“和”以及语意相关的“及、以及、与”等包括使用“顿号”等形式出现,看似并列,其实是从属和包容关系。  2.举例阐述:  例1.
题 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,设二次函数f(x)=x2+2x+b(x∈R)的图象与两个坐标轴有三个交点,经过这三点的圆记为C.  (Ⅰ)求实数b的取值范围;  (Ⅱ)求圆C的方程;  (Ⅲ)问圆C是否经过某定点(其坐标与b无关)?请证明你的结论.  解:(Ⅰ)因为当b=0时,二次函数与坐标轴仅有二个交点(-2,0)和(0,0).  令f(x)=x2+2x+b=0,由题意知b≠0且Δ>