Prednisolone succinate-glucosamine conjugate:Synthesis,characterization and in vitro cellular uptake

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenboy
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Prednisolone succinate-glucosamine(PSG) conjugate,a prodrug for prednisolone,was synthesized and confirmed by NMR and MS spectrum.The stabilities of the prodrug in PBS(pH 2.50,5.00,7.20,and 7.89) were studied.Cytotoxicity and uptake assay of the prodrug were perfomed on HK-2 and MDCK cell lines.The results showed that compared with prednisolone,the PSG not only did not increase the cytotoxicity but also improved the uptake to 2.2 times of prednisolone by the cells.Thus,it indicated that glucosamine might be a potential carrier for kidney-targeting delivery of prednisolone. Prednisolone succinate-glucosamine (PSG) conjugate, a prodrug for prednisolone, was synthesized and confirmed by NMR and MS spectrum. The stabilities of the prodrug in PBS (pH 2.50, 5.00, 7.20, and 7.89) were studied. Cytotoxicity and uptake assay of the prodrug were perfomed on HK-2 and MDCK cell lines. The results showed that compared with prednisolone, the PSG not only did not increase the cytotoxicity but also improved the uptake to 2.2 times of prednisolone by the cells .hus, it indicated that glucosamine might be a potential carrier for kidney-targeting delivery of prednisolone.
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