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为了严格控制森林资源的消耗,我国十分重视用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,并将这一原则记入《森林法》。坚持这一原则,对于抑制我国目前森林资源的过量消耗,是非常必要的。但为了使我国的林业能较快地发展,尽可能充分地满足人们生产、生活的需要,我认为我们似乎更应该强调用材林的生长量必须高于消耗量的原则。 In order to strictly control the consumption of forest resources, China attaches great importance to the principle that the consumption of timber forests is lower than the growth rate and put this principle into the Forest Law. Adhering to this principle is very necessary to curb the excessive consumption of forest resources in our country. However, in order to enable our country’s forestry to develop rapidly and meet people’s needs for production and living as fully as possible, I think we should even emphasize that the growth of timber forests must exceed the principle of consumption.
It happens(when it does hap-pen)on Sunday mornings.Onweekdays,when he has to go tohis factory,he is the first up,hut on Sunday mornings he lies in.Heawakens an
LONDONAlthough London is not the world’sbiggest city in terms of population,it isone of the biggest in area.So learnersmay be surprised to discover that thepa
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课改,让数学教学更精彩,更让数学课堂充满了生命的活力。然而欣喜之余,冷静思考,一些严峻问题依然摆在我们面前,困扰着我们,需要我们思考,需要我们认真面对。 Curriculum re