
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjlovewz
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To provide data about the phenotypic appearance of the embryo of early failed pregnancies after IVF. Clinical prospective descriptive study. Tertiary care center. Twentythree women who had conceived by IVF and had a missed abortion before 12 weeks of gestation. Embryoscopic examination of the embryo before curettage. Cytogenetic analysis of the chorionic villi by standard Gbanding cytogenetic techniques or by comparative genomic hybridization in combination with flow cytometry analysis. Embryonic phenotype and karyotype were determined. Twentyone of 23 IVF embryos showed structural defects on embryoscopic examination. Seventeen of 23 specimens had a chromosomal abnormality. The majority were numerical aberrations such as monosomy X (2 cases). Trisomies for chromosomes 18 (one case), 16 (three cases), 15 (one case), 14 (two cases), 13 (one case), 12 (one case), 11 (one case), 10 (one case), 9 (one case), 8 (one case), and 3 (one case)were observed. A structural chromosome anomaly leading to a chromosomal trisomy was observed in one case. Aneuploidy explained the grossly abnormal embryonic development documented by embryoscopy in 15 of 21 cases. Aneuploidy is the major factor affecting normal embryonic development in missed abortions after IVF. Further investigation is needed to elucidate mechanisms that might prevent normal embryogenesis but evade detection by the cytogenetic techniques used in the present study. To provide data about the phenotypic appearance of the embryo of early failed pregnancies after IVF. Clinical prospective descriptive study. Tertiary care center. Twentythree women who had conceived by IVF and had a missed abortion before 12 weeks of gestation. Embryoscopic examination of the embryo before curettage. Cytogenetic analysis of the chorionic villi by standard G-banding cytogenetic techniques or by comparative genomic hybridization in combination with flow cytometry analysis. Embryonic phenotype and karyotype were determined. Twenty -one of 23 IVF embryos showed structural defects on embryoscopic examination. Seventeen of 23 specimens had a chromosomal abnormality. The majority were numerical aberrations such as monosomy X (2 cases). Trisomies for chromosomes 18 (one case), 16 (three cases), 15 (one case), 14 (two cases) 13 one case, 12 one case, 11 one case, 10 one case, 9 one case, 8 one case, and 3 one case were observed. A structural chromosome an Aneuploidy explained the grossly abnormal embryonic development documented by embryoscopy in 15 of 21 cases. Aneuploidy is the major factor affecting normal embryonic development in missed abortions after IVF. Further investigation is needed to elucidate mechanisms that might prevent normal embryogenesis but evade detection by the cytogenetic techniques used in the present study.
目的 :探讨维生素D水平与孤独症谱系障碍(Autism spectrum disorder,ASD)ASD的相关性。方法 :采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法对225例新诊断的ASD患者和275例健康人群进行血清25
每一个走进博物馆的人或许都怀有一种走进文化殿堂的肃穆感觉 ,每一件展品似乎都在无声地诉说着人类的历史 ,怎样才能将这无声的诉说转化为鲜活的生命呢 ?以往 ,博物馆在向观