
来源 :福建省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:likang281116
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各市、县(区)人民政府,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校:部门统计是政府统计的重要组成部分,改革开放以来,我省的部门统计为社会主义市场经济体制的建立、各级政府的宏观调控和国民经济的行业管理提供了大量的统计信息和咨询建议,发挥了重要作用。但是,也存在着部门统计管理分散、统计调查项目不规范、信息传递渠道不通畅等问题,影响了正常统计调查的实施和统计整体功能的发挥。为推动和促进部门统计与政府综合统计的协调发展,充分发挥统计的信息、咨询和监督作用。经省政府同意,现就进一步加强和规范部门统计工作通知如下: Municipalities, counties (districts) people’s governments, provincial people’s government departments, all subordinate agencies, major enterprises and colleges and universities: Department statistics are an important part of government statistics. Since the reform and opening up, the departments in our province have been counted as socialism The establishment of a market economy system, the macro-control of all levels of government and the industrial management of the national economy have provided a great deal of statistical information and advice and have played an important role. However, there are also some problems such as decentralized statistical management in departments, non-standard statistical survey items, and unavailability of information transmission channels, affecting the implementation of normal statistical surveys and the overall function of statistics. In order to promote and promote the coordinated development of departmental statistics and general government statistics, give full play to the statistical information, consultation and supervision functions. With the agreement of the provincial government, we hereby notify you as follows on further strengthening and standardizing departmental statistical work:
文章在对国内外绿化指标、我国城市绿化现状,以及现有绿化指标体系等方面综合分析的基础上,提出我国城市绿化指标应进一步完善。 Based on the comprehensive analysis of t
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