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惠崇义书卢纶《晚次鄂州》条幅疏朗空灵,与诗意合,字从帖来,亦有变化,说明有一定的临帖功底和创作能力,望再写得轻松流畅些。章法无误,但“一”字排在右下角,总觉那里太空,且不易弥补(勉强可用压角章补之),不如放在第二行第一字的位置。这应在谋篇时想到,临时碰到再处理就来不及了,作者写到这里也似觉不妥,已有犹豫之态。另外,款下空白太大,可再加一印。 Hui Chongyi bookLu Lun “Ezhou evening” banner width ethereal, and poetry together, the word from the posts, there are changes, indicating that there is a certain skill and creative ability, hope to write more easily and smoothly. Chapter law is correct, but “a ” word in the lower right corner, always feel there space, and not easy to make up (reluctantly available pressure angle chapter make up), it is better placed on the second line of the first word position. This should be reckoned with in the article, temporarily dealt with by the time it is too late, the author wrote here also seems inappropriate, has been hesitant. In addition, the next blank is too large, you can add a print.
在交换机集中监控系统已经建成的今天 ,从提高电信服务质量的角度出发 ,如何充分利用该套系统提供的数据和功能已成为新的研究课题。文中以交换机用户数据自动修改系统为例 ,
IN terms of both time period and implementation, China has accomplished nearly 50 percent of her goal for decreasing the 1989 mortality rate of infants and chi
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