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目的了解北京市学生超重肥胖与生活方式之间的关系,探寻超重肥胖干预的方法。方法该组资料为2010年全国学生体质调研数据。采取整群分层随机抽样的原则,在北京市6个区的40所中小学随机监测了6 789名学生。结果北京市2010年中小学生超重、肥胖检出率分别为12.49%,9.52%,其中小学生超重、肥胖检出率分别为11.94%,11.24%,中学生分别为12.94%,8.08%。肥胖率城男高于乡男,差异有统计学意义。超重、肥胖与每天是否吃早餐、每日做家庭作业时间长短及电子休闲时间长短等无显著相关,但在是否喜欢体育课、是否喜欢长跑、体育课后感觉、每天体育锻炼超过1 h、做课间操是否认真等方面差异均存在统计学意义。结论改变生活方式是短中期预防肥胖的有效方法,必须提高公共卫生策略的高度,对整个社会采取措施。 Objective To understand the relationship between overweight and obesity and lifestyles in Beijing and to explore methods for overweight and obesity intervention. Methods The data for the 2010 national body constitution survey data. A cluster stratified random sampling approach was adopted, in which 6,789 students were randomly monitored in 40 primary and secondary schools in six districts of Beijing. Results The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity among primary and secondary school students in Beijing in 2010 were 12.49% and 9.52% respectively. The detection rates of overweight and obesity in primary and middle school students were 11.94% and 11.24% respectively, while those of middle school students were 12.94% and 8.08% respectively. The prevalence of obesity in urban areas was higher than that in rural areas, with statistical significance. Overweight, obesity and daily breakfast, daily homework time and the length of electronic leisure and so no significant correlation, but whether to like physical education, do you like long distance, physical education after class feeling, physical exercise more than 1 h, do There was statistical significance in the differences of whether the classes were performed carefully or not. Conclusion Changing lifestyles is an effective way to prevent obesity in the short and medium term. It is necessary to raise the level of public health strategy and take measures to the society as a whole.
1 引 言糖尿病患者钙代谢一般都存在负平衡,但是作为常规的血清钙并不能真实地反映体内钙的含量。Calucci等[1]认为淋巴细胞为外周血中较易分离出的单核细胞,在代谢方面与组织脏器细胞接
目的 :观察米索前列醇是否能够增加新生儿窒息的发生率。方法 :凡 2 0 0 1年元月 2 0 0 2年 3月 ,在我院妇产科能够应用米索前列醇与催产素者 13 8例 ,随机分成两组 ,米索前
Tin sulfide nanoparticles(SnS -NPs) were prepared in aqueous solution at room temperature on the surface of activated carbon(AC) and were investigated using fie