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车水马龙,静止的瞬间一块旧木板加四个轮子组合的车,在斑马线上艰难地滑行。我似看见,一条飘摇的船,在车如流水的大河上艰险地划行。水手是一个人,一个没了双腿的人,用双手为桨在划动。在接近地面的高度,以匍伏在木板上的姿态,破浪前进。一支曲子从简陋的音响上传出。雄壮的音乐与残疾的人,在相互鼓舞。此时,他正滑到斑马线中段。 Busy, still moments A piece of old wood with four wheel combination car, sliding difficult in the zebra. I seem to see a swaying ship, rowing hard and bitterly on a river like a car. The sailor is a man, a man without legs, with paddles in both hands. In the height of the ground close to the creeping posture on the board, breaking waves. A piece of music came from the humble sound. The magnificent music and disabled people are encouraging each other. At this point, he is sliding to the middle of the zebra crossing.
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Thermal energy storage(TES)is a key technology for renewable energy utilization and the improvement of the energy efficiency of heat processes.Sectors include i
在本期的“教法新探”专栏中 ,我们集中刊发了两篇教学论文 ,一是王乐平老师的《“行动研究”在历史教学中的构建与运用》 ,二是王泳老师的《基于网络的研究性学习在历史教学