
来源 :传奇·传记(文学选刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianzhiziyao
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1935年5月26日下午,红军长征来到大渡河边的安顺场时,已是雾气霭霭,山雨欲来。此时,刘伯承率领红军先遣队已夺取大渡河渡口,正在组织红军强渡大渡河。傍晚时分,毛泽东也在焦急地等待乘船过大渡河。晚上,有消息传来说:这里有一位前清秀才,在这里曾亲眼看到石达开的部队全军覆没。疲惫不堪的毛泽东精神为之一振,马上秘密拜 On the afternoon of May 26, 1935, when the Long March of the Red Army came to Anshun Field along the Dadu River, it was misty and desolate. At this point, Liu Bocheng led the Red Army advance team has captured the ferry Dadu, is organizing the Red Army to cross the Dadu River. In the evening, Mao Zedong was anxiously waiting for a boat trip over the Dadu River. In the evening, it was reported that there was a former Qing scholar here who had witnessed the defeat of the units opened up by Shida. The exhausted Mao Zedong Spirit was immediately rescued and secretly worshiped
教学思路 ,是指教师对课堂教学所酝酿、所设计的教学流程 ,即这节课从什么地方出发 ,怎样一步一步往前走 ,就像文章作者动笔之先所勾勒出的一个大致框架一样。就阅读教学来说
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1 教材分析1 .1 教材地位 是平面向量的坐标表示的基础 ,是本章重要环节 .1 .2 教学重点 引导学生了解平面向量基本定理的形成过程和平面向量的基本定理 .1 .3 教学难
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