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近几年的物理、化学中考试卷,均出现了包含不同学科知识点的综合题,以培养学生解决实际问题的能力。长期以来由于受学科界域的限制,在初中理化生学科的教学中,传授知识、分析问题往往只从单一学科的角度、用单一的方法引导学生。以致学生面对不同学科知识点的综合题时,也只是从单一学科的渠道去寻找答案,而忽视了与其它学科的相互交叉,相互渗透,因此不能作出正确的解答,或不知从何下手。在今后的教学中,要十分重视知识间的横向联系,培养学生解答综合题的能力,进而培养学生解决实际问题的能力。 In recent years, physics and chemistry examination papers have presented comprehensive questions containing knowledge points from different disciplines to cultivate students’ ability to solve practical problems. For a long time, subject to the constraints of the academic boundaries, in the teaching of physics and chemistry science in junior high schools, imparting knowledge and analyzing problems often lead the students from a single subject perspective and using a single method. As a result, when students are faced with a comprehensive problem of different subject knowledge points, they only seek answers from the channels of a single subject, but they neglect to cross each other and penetrate each other. Therefore, they cannot make correct answers or do not know where to start. In future teaching, we must attach great importance to the horizontal relationship between the knowledge, develop students’ ability to answer comprehensive questions, and then develop students’ ability to solve practical problems.
利用刚果红脱色从森林腐木中筛选到一株高产纤维素酶茵,结合18SrRNA基因序列分析和茵株形态特性分析,确定该菌株为爪哇正青霉(Eupenicillium javanicum)。通过研究粗酶提取时不同
Edge-adjacency index and information topological index for 82 molecules of alkanes have been constructed and calculated. The topological indices were used to co