On Grammatical Features of American English and British English

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British English and American English are the two major varieties of English in the world. Due to their independent development with the different historical backgrounds, geography and culture, there are also many differences between them. As the English learners, it is necessary for people to get somewhat acquainted with the differences between them to help people’s study and keep people from unnecessary troubles. Because some people who don’t know British and American English clearly and have a prejudice about British and American English. This paper makes an analysis and comparison of British and American English in terms of history, pronunciation, spelling and grammar, hoping to help people completely and objectively know the differences between British and American English. British English and American English are the two major varieties of English in the world. Due to their independent development with the different historical backgrounds, geography and culture, there are also many differences between them. As the English learners, it is necessary for people to get some acquainted with the differences between them to help people’s study and keep people from unnecessary troubles. Because some people who do not know British and American English clearly and have a prejudice about British and American English. This paper makes an analysis and comparison of British and American English in terms of history, pronunciation, spelling and grammar, hoping to help people completely and objectively know the differences between British and American English.
【Abstract】Language changes with the advancement of society. Language in use gets a further development because of the social revolution, the scientific and technological improvement, and the political
【摘要】本文主要是对 小学英语课堂中的提问情况进行研究与分析,从而为未来的小学教学工作提供有效的依据,解决实际发展过程中存在的问题。  【关键词】小学英语 课堂提问 现状 原则 策略  小学英语课程对于小学时期的学生来说是重要的基础教学内容,学生的学习质量将影响未来的英语学习。以此,教师在实际实施的过程中,需要结合多样化的方案激发学生学习的兴趣,提升课堂教学效率。课堂提问是一种艺术,更是一种教学的
【摘要】初中英语教学中阅读教学的开展能够让学生的思维能力得到明显的提升,让学生看到更大的、更加不一样的世界。因此高质量的英语阅读教学往往能够让学生的综合能力得到巨大的提升。当前初中英语阅读教学存在的问题严重阻碍了学生的能力的发展,教师必须要及时的采取措施解决好这些问题,给学生的发展提供积极的保障。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读教学 问题 对策  当前初中英语教学虽然同样重视阅读教学,并且也在努力的尝
【摘要】选择题因其评分容易,结果客观、公正、信度高而受到广大师生的欢迎。本文以高考英语中的选择题为对象,从其引入、发展、成熟和飞跃四个阶段来简单探讨一下选择题在各个历史阶段的特点,从而为广大师生提供一点指引。  【关键词】选择题 高考英语 试题  一、引言  选择题是各类测试中常用的一种题型,它由题干和三个或三个以上的选项构成,要求受试者根据题干提供的信息从选项中做出恰当的选择。选择题答案固定,不
【摘要】阅读教学研究的成果非常丰富,但成果主要是在英语领域内的关于课堂阅读教学的研究,时间限于课堂,内容限于所用教材。近年来有关英语课外学习与活动日益受到关注,本文就课外阅读材料的选择、阅读的方法和训练策略等作一探讨。  【关键词】高中英语 课外阅读 策略  一、课题的提出的背景  近年来有关英语课外学习与活动日益受到关注,已经产生一些研究成果。如下:袁桂林对英语课外活动的意义和实践进行研究,认为
【Abstract】This thesis aims to analyze the lexical cohesion in the text “How Empathy Unfolds” in the new standard college English textbook. This paper focuses on four kinds of lexical cohesive devices:
【摘要】本文提出了在初中英语教育中开展分层教育的措施,通过合理的分组,进行分层备课,通过分层授课,进行分层作业设计几个步骤开展分层教学,对于促进英语教育的发展具有积极的作用。  【关键词】初中英语 分层教学 实施策略  分层教学是针对学生的学习成绩,个性特点,科学的把学生分为不同的层次小组,能够根据学生的特点,进行有针对性的教育教学。分层教学既包括教学方式的分层、选择,教学内容的分层设计,也包括对
英语教学新课程标准就教学评价问题要求从教者认清形成性评价对学生发展的重要作用,对学生学习的表现及取得的成绩实现综合评价,使学生将所学知识彻底掌握并运用。这种评价方法突出学生在学习过程中的主体地位,激发学生潜能,实现学习过程的实时调控,树立学生强烈的自信心。这在教学中给从教者提出多实时调控学生学习过程、多元化方式评价主体及学生综合素质评价等一系列要求。  一、初中英语教学形成性评价方法的研究  初中