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选用不同相容剂对LLDPE/PET共混材料进行增容改性,研究了不同相容剂对LLDPE/PET共混材料力学性能、热性能、流变性能和微观形貌的影响。结果表明:相容剂的加入,能够明显提升共混材料的力学性能,当相容荆含量为3%时,拉伸强度比未加相容剂时最大提升了25.4%,相容剂含量为9%时,冲击强度最大提升了156%。随着相容剂含量的增加,共混材料的熔体流动性逐渐降低,两相基体熔点向中间温度变化,LLDPE结晶温度和结晶度先减小后增大,过多的相容剂会起到成核剂的作用。微观形貌分析表明:相容剂能够降低分散相粒径大小,增加界面黏结性。综合来看,LLDPE-g-MAH对共混材料相容性的提升效果要优于LDPE-g-GMA。 The compatibility of different compatibilizers on the mechanical properties, thermal properties, rheological properties and micro-morphology of LLDPE / PET blends were studied. The results show that the addition of compatibilizer can obviously improve the mechanical properties of the blends. When the content of compatibilizing agent is 3%, the tensile strength is 25.4% higher than that without compatibilizer, and the content of compatibilizer is At 9%, the maximum impact strength is increased by 156%. With the increase of compatibilizer content, the melt flowability of the blends gradually decreases, the melting point of the two-phase matrix changes to the intermediate temperature, the crystallization temperature and crystallinity of LLDPE first decreases and then increases, and the excess compatibilizer will rise To the role of nucleating agent. The micromorphology analysis shows that the compatibilizer can reduce the size of dispersed phase and increase the interfacial adhesion. Taken together, LLDPE-g-MAH is more effective in improving the compatibility of blends than LDPE-g-GMA.
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