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远洋渔业的企业管理可分三部分:组织管理、生产管理和行政(劳务)管理。组织管理成立企业公司的目的是为了提高利润,提高公司员工的工资和福利,也就是为了赚钱。为此,要充分利用公司所拥有的资金、劳力、原料和生产手段,以达到最高生产效率。要尽可能降低成本,节约劳动力,提高生产效益。组织管理是搞好生产最基本的东西。公司越大,员工越多,权限职责要分清,分工要明确。公司董事会决定公司发展方向,总经理具体贯彻执行。名级各部门负责人是层层自己挑选任命的,一级向一级负责,各级负责人都有一定权限和职责,分工负责,互不干扰,各级负责人对其所管辖的工作个人 The management of offshore fisheries can be divided into three parts: organization and management, production management and administration (labor) management. Organization and Management The purpose of setting up a business company is to increase profits and raise the wages and benefits of the company’s employees, that is, to make money. To this end, we must make full use of the funds, labor, raw materials and means of production owned by the company in order to achieve maximum productivity. To reduce costs as much as possible, save labor, improve production efficiency. Organizational management is the most basic thing to do well in production. The larger the company, the more employees, responsibilities, responsibilities should be clearly divided, division of labor to be clear. Board of Directors decided the company’s development direction, the general manager of specific implementation. At the level of the various departments responsible person is selected by the layers of their own appointments, a level to the level of responsibility, the person in charge at all levels have certain rights and responsibilities, division of labor is responsible for, without disturbing each level of person in charge of their work under the jurisdiction of individuals
苏氏(鱼芒)鲶Pangasius sutchi(Fowler),又称暹罗河鲶,“Pla swai”,分类学上隶属于鲶形目(sifuriformes),(鱼芒)鲶科(Pangasiidae)。原产于东南亚的泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、越
我院自1993年12月~1995年3月共收治50例死胎患者,采用卡孕栓配伍丙酸睾丸素引产,有效率为90%,其中完全流产为60%,不完全流产30%,失败率10%。1 资料与方法1.1 资料50例死胎患者,完