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1942年3月中旬,在“发展华中”的战略任务基本完成后,刘少奇离开苏北,途经山东、河北、山西等地,于12月底回到延安时,党中央机关隆重地开了欢迎大会,毛泽东同志亲临大会讲话。他说:“少奇同志,他的功绩,就是建立华中(抗日)根据地,没有华中根据地,华北根据地也就失去了依托。如果没有淮南、苏北,整个华中根据地,敌人一下子就冲到山东,华北根据地也就危险了。如果没有少奇同志去华中正确执行党中央“发展华中,巩固华北”的战略方针,抗战是不会取得当时那样的胜利的。少奇同志在华中时期的功绩,是不可磨灭的。” 一、受命于危难之际 抗日战争初期,新四军遵循长江局主要负责人王明“一切经过统一战线”的错误路线,对国民党顽固派一味妥协退让。不敢独立自主地发动群众,发展人民抗日武装,独立自主地建立抗日根据地,不敢和国民党顽固派进行反磨擦斗争。 另一方面,在上海、南京等华中的许多城市失守前后,大批学生和青年向农村或后方撤退,很多人想参加新四军或由新四军领导的游击队;国民党军队溃退时,到处丢弃了大量枪支弹药和军用物资;还有许多群众自发组织的抗日自卫队要求共产党去领导;加以1938年5月徐州失守后,日军主力倾巢沿长江西上,在敌人后方十分空虚,因而极有利于人民武装和抗日根据地的迅猛发展? In mid-March 1942, after the strategic task of “developing Central China” was basically completed, Liu Shaoqi left northern Jiangsu and passed through Shandong, Hebei and Shanxi provinces and returned to Yan’an at the end of December. The Party Central Committee ceremoniously opened a welcoming ceremony, Comrade Mao Zedong personally addressed the General Assembly. He said: “Comrade Shaoqi’s achievement is the establishment of a base area in Central China that has lost support for the Huabei base area without the Central China Base. Without Huainan, Northern Jiangsu and the entire Central China base, the enemy rushed to Shandong North China base will be dangerous if not without Comrade Shaoqi to Central China correctly implement the party Central Committee ”to develop Central China, to consolidate North China,“ the strategic policy, the war will not get the kind of victory at that time Comrade Shaoqi achievements in Central China, Is indelible. ”First, at the early stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the New Fourth Army followed the wrong line of“ all through the united front ”, the chief officer of the Yangtze River Bureau, and gave a simple compromise and concession to the diehards of the Kuomintang. They are afraid to mobilize the masses on their own initiative, develop the people’s anti-Japanese armed forces and independently establish the anti-Japanese base areas, and are afraid to fight the anti-friction struggle with the die-hards of the Kuomintang. On the other hand, a large number of students and youth retreated to the countryside or the rear before and after the fall of many cities in central China such as Shanghai and Nanjing. Many wanted to join the New Fourth Army or the guerrillas led by the New Fourth Army. As the Kuomintang troops collapsed, large numbers of firearms and ammunition were dropped everywhere And military supplies; there are also many people’s spontaneous organization of the Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces that require the Communist Party to lead; with the fall of Xuzhou in May 1938, the main thrust of the Japanese troops along the west side of the Yangtze River is very empty behind enemy lines, which is extremely beneficial to the people’s armed forces and the anti- According to the rapid development of land?
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