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目的优化细柱五加茎多糖的闪式提取工艺,并研究其细胞毒性和免疫活性。方法运用球面对称设计试验,综合考虑料液比、提取温度、提取时间3因素,优化细柱五加茎多糖的闪式提取工艺;对闪式提取法与回流、超声2种传统提取方法进行比较。通过体外试验对提取所得多糖的细胞毒性和免疫活性进行初步研究。结果细柱五加茎多糖闪式提取最佳工艺为料液比1∶13.2,提取温度80℃,提取时间420 s。在此条件下,细柱五加茎中多糖提取率为0.78%,且优于回流和超声法提取所得多糖提取率。体外活性实验结果显示,细柱五加茎多糖质量浓度在10~20μg/mL对RAW 264.7细胞无明显毒性,在10~40μg/mL能够促进RAW 264.7细胞NO的分泌。结论建立了稳定、简便的细柱五加茎多糖的闪式提取工艺方法,初步研究了其多糖的免疫活性,为合理的开发细柱五加资源提供理论依据。 OBJECTIVE To optimize the flash extraction process of spiked stem and polysaccharide and study its cytotoxicity and immunocompetence. Methods Spherical symmetrical design experiments were carried out to optimize the flash extraction process of spiked stems and polysaccharides by considering the ratio of solid to liquid, extraction temperature and extraction time, and the comparison of two methods of flash extraction, reflux and ultrasonic extraction . The cytotoxicity and immunocompetence of extracted polysaccharides were studied in vitro. Results The optimal extraction process of polysaccharides from stems and leaves of Scutellaria barbata was 1:13.2, the extraction temperature was 80 ℃ and the extraction time was 420 s. Under this condition, the extraction rate of polysaccharides in the stems of Ficus-Pita was 0.78%, which was better than that of reflux and ultrasonic extraction. The results of in vitro activity showed that the concentration of polysaccharides from Spike stem cells was no significant toxicity to RAW 264.7 cells at the concentration of 10 ~ 20μg / mL, and NO at the concentration of 10 ~ 40μg / mL could promote NO production in RAW 264.7 cells. Conclusion A stable and simple method of flash extraction of stem polysaccharide with five-plus-stems was established. The immunological activity of polysaccharides was preliminarily studied, which provided a theoretical basis for the rational development of five-plus-column polysaccharides.
Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) has been widely applied to study crystallization and melting of materials. However, for polymeric lamellar crystals, the
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