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《工程制图》是高等职业技术教育机制类专业的主干核心课之一。学好这门课是学生学习后续专业课的关键,也是学生将来能否顺利走上工作岗位的关键。原来的制图课比较偏重期末考核,学生为应付考试在期末集中突击,平时制图基本功练得不扎实。笔者认为制图课要将理论与实际紧密结合,采用过程考核的方法就比在期末进行一个结业考试好得多。教师在每章结束后,随机在机器中产生一套题,对学生进行测试,作为平时成绩。期末考试从综合题库中出题,学生平时自己也可以通过题库进行练习,复习作到有的放矢,改变了学生期末临时突击的情况。同时,摆脱了一卷定终身的武断性。 “Engineering drawing” is one of the main core courses of higher vocational and technical education mechanism specialty. Learning this course is the key to students’ follow-up professional courses and also the key to whether students can successfully take jobs in the future. The original drawing course more emphasis on the final exam, students focus on examinations focused on the end of the period, usually drawing practice is not solid. The author believes that drawing lessons should be closely integrated with the theory and practice, the use of process assessment method than the end of a graduation examination is much better. Teachers at the end of each chapter, randomly generated a set of questions in the machine to test the students, as usual results. Final exam questions from the comprehensive questions in the exam, students usually can also practice their own questions through the exam, the review was targeted, changing the temporary end of the student assault situation. At the same time, get rid of a volume of life-time arbitrary.
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目的:了解献血者中输血传播病毒(TTV)的感染状况。方法:应用套式PCR(nested-PCR)和ELISA方法同步检测了388份献血者、168份非肝炎住院患者(对照组)的血清TTV DNA和抗TTV IgG
In order to avoid forming an electrical conductive network due to surface connections,the magnetic metal fibers were coated with SiO 2 for surface modification
在侗族社会中 ,素有“年长者教歌 ,年轻者唱歌 ,年幼学歌”之习俗 ,以及善歌者受人称赞 ,歌师受人尊敬之美德。侗歌格调平和 ,旋律优美 ,曲调唱腔多样 ,抒情细腻 ,以单旋律居