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6月28日,云南电网公司隆重召开纪念建党92周年“七·一”表彰大会和“七·一”优秀党员座谈会。在表彰会上,公司党员干部共同观看了专题片《以梦想的名义宣誓》,重温党的辉煌历史和公司在党的领导下取得的巨大成绩,颂扬党的光辉历程,表彰了一批“学习十八大创先争优秀”的优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者和先进基层党组织。今年是贯彻落实党的十八大精神的开局之年,是公司落实中长期发展战略、建设国内先进电网企业的攻坚之年,公司步入了新的跨越发展时期,我们要继承和发扬优良传统,牢记使命,以先进集体和个人为楷模,学习先进、赶超先进,进一步发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,推动公司全面创先。上半年公司党建工作取得成效:一是思想建设扎实有效;二 On June 28, Yunnan Power Grid Corporation solemnly held a commemorative founding 92th anniversary of the “71” commendation ceremony and “7 · 1” outstanding party members. At the commendation ceremony, the party members and cadres of the Company watched the feature film titillating in a dream, reviewing the glorious history of the party and the tremendous achievements the company made under the leadership of the party, praising the glorious course of the party and commended a batch of Outstanding Communist Party Member, “Leading Party Member” and “Advanced Grassroots Party Organization” in “Learning Eighteen Great Creations.” This year marks the first year of implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the crucial year for the company to implement the medium and long-term development strategy and building a domestic advanced power grid enterprise. The company has entered a new period of leapfrog development. We must inherit and carry forward the fine tradition , Keeping in mind the mission, taking advanced collectives and individuals as role models, learning advanced, catching up with advanced countries, further giving play to the party’s role as a battle bastion and a vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and promoting the all-round pioneering of the Company. In the first half of the year, the work of party building in the company achieved results: First, the ideological building was sound and effective;
庞大而细微的投递网是邮政通信网的重要组成部分 ,也是邮政行业真正的、最大的优势所在。但随着市场经济的深入发展 ,特别是城市建设的高速发展 ,社会对邮政投递的方式、深度
为提高邮发报纸的分发效率和质量 ,国家邮政局投资为相关局陆续引进了数条报纸自动分发流水线 ,西安报纸自动分发流水线为其中之一。该流水线已于2000年6月8日通过初验 ,成为目前国
摘 要:生活情境教学法密切结合小学生生活情境设置教学案例,把课堂教学和家庭教育结合起来,注重培养学生学习数学的兴趣和观察分析事物的能力,同时能加强教师与学生的沟通交流,是符合小学生认知规律的一种较好的教学方法。本文对生活情境教学法在小学数学教学中的应用进行分析研究,从而帮助教师顺利开展教学活动。  关键词:生活情境教学法;小学数学;教学;应用策略  数学是小学教育中最主要的基础性学科之一,对于学生
为深化用工制度的改革 ,强化市场竞争意识 ,增强职工的责任感、紧迫感和危机感 ,近日 ,宜昌县邮政局作出决定 ,打破临时工与正式工的界线 ,实行同工同酬 ,异岗异薪。1 .实行