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人民的儿子邓小平--8月22日是邓小平诞辰100周年纪念日。为了纪念这位世纪老人,新华社新闻研究所和新华网从6月底,在新华网上进行了一次调查。在问及对邓小平曾经说过的一些经典话语,感受最深的是哪一句时,选择“我是中国人民的儿子,我深爱着我的祖国和人民”的人最多。邓小平以对祖国和人民满腔的爱,实践着自己为人民、靠人民、爱人民的一生。他始终把人民“拥护不拥护”、“赞成不赞成”、“高兴不高兴”、“答应不答应”作为制定各项方针政策的出发点和归宿,这是共产党人最宝贵的品格。生活在邓小平时代,是真切体会祖国繁荣富强和人民丰衣足食的时代,每一个中国人都是直接的受益者。“小平,您好”那句发自心底的语言,代表着亿万人民的心声。 Deng Xiaoping, son of the people - August 22 is the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth. In order to commemorate the century-old, Xinhua News Agency Xinhua News Agency and from the end of June, conducted a survey on Xinhua. When asked what sentence they deem most deferential to Deng Xiaoping, they are the ones who choose “I am the son of the Chinese people and I love my motherland and people.” Deng Xiaoping, with his love for the motherland and the people, practiced his life as a people, a people and a people. He has always regarded the people as the starting point and destination for the formulation of various principles and policies. They are: “people are not advocating”, “people are not in favor of”, “people are not happy”, and “people are not willing to agree” Most precious character. In the era of Deng Xiaoping, living in an era full of prosperity, prosperity and well-being of the people, everyone in China is a direct beneficiary. “Xiaoping, hello ” phrase from heart language, representing the feelings of hundreds of millions of people.
1983年植树节,邓小平到北京昌平蟒山,亲手栽下了白皮松。二十一年过去了,由世纪伟人植下的树,已枝繁叶茂、耸入云天… Arbor Day 1983, Deng Xiaoping to Beijing Changping
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