
来源 :黑龙江史志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mdre8888
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武昌起义后,朱执信领导的广东民军在广东光复中起了举足轻重的作用,民军进入广州城后的安置工作也是在朱执信的领导下进行的,在这一特殊时期,朱执信也与广东的民军结下了不解之缘。然而,由于种种原因,朱执信又面临解散民军的艰难抉择。民军的大部分裁撤,在稳定政局方面有一定作用,但也给此后的时局带来了负面影响。 After the Wuchang uprising, the Guangdong militia led by Zhu Zhixin played a decisive role in the recovery of Kwangtung Province. The resettlement of the army after its entry into Guangzhou was also conducted under the leadership of Zhu Zhixin, who also worked with Guangdong The armed forces have settled their indissoluble bond. However, for various reasons, Zhu Zhixin faces the difficult choice of dismantling the Militia. The abolishment of most of the militia has played a role in stabilizing the political situation, but it has also had a negative impact on the current situation.
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