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习近平总书记强调,择天下英才而用之,关键是要坚持党管人才原则。贯彻落实习总书记的重要指示精神,切实履行牵头抓总职能,积极创新牵头抓总人才工作有效途径,是摆在各级党委组织部门面前的重要理论和实践问题。组织部门如何牵头抓总,我认为应当着重抓好以下五个方面。宏观设计抓规划人才工作关乎发展,关乎未来。组织部门既要立足当前,更要着眼长远,把研究制定、监测评估、督促落实人才发展规划作为重要工作任务,切实抓紧、抓好、抓出成效。研判人才形势,把握规划的前瞻性。要以登高望远的视野和客观审慎的态度,对国际 General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the key to choosing the best in the world is to uphold the principle of party management. It is an important theoretical and practical issue for the Party committees and departments at all levels to implement the spirit of carrying out the important directives of General Secretary Xi and earnestly fulfilling the effective ways of taking the lead in grasping the overall functions and actively innovating and leading the overall talent work. Organizational departments take the lead in grasping the total, I think we should focus on the following five aspects. Macroeconomic Design, Planning, Talent Work, Development, Concerning the Future Organizational departments should not only base themselves on the current situation but also have a long-term view. They should make research, monitoring and evaluation, supervise and implement the talent development plan as an important task and earnestly work hard to achieve success. Judge the situation of personnel, grasp the forward-looking planning. It is necessary to take a long-term perspective and a cautious and objective attitude towards the international community
As an interdisciplinary research field with rapid development,the history and focuses of knowledge map have great differences between domestic and foreign acade
Volcanic rocks in the study area, including dacite, trachyandesite and mugearite, belong to the intermediate-acid, high-K calc-alkaline series, and possess the