
来源 :吉林医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunday_sky
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目的 :为研究 Cath- D、C- erb B- 2及 EGFR在大肠癌、腺瘤、炎症及正常粘膜中的表达情况及临床意义。方法 :采用免疫组化 ABC法对 80例大肠癌、44例大肠腺瘤、35例慢性结肠炎及 10例正常大肠粘膜进行上述三种指标的检测。结果 :80例大肠癌中上述三种指标的阳性率分别为 41%、39%及 41% ,三者共同阳性率为 16 .2 %。在 33例 Cath- D阳性标本中 C- erb B- 2阳性18例 (占 5 5 % ) ,在 Cath- D阴性标本中 C- erb B- 2阳性 13例 (2 8% ) ,二者间有显著性差异 (χ2 =5 .0 9,P<0 .0 5 )。33例 Cath- D阳性标本中 EGFR阳性 2 0例 (占 6 1% ) ,在 Cath- D阴性标本中 EGFR阳性 13例 (占 2 8% ) ,两者之比有显著差异 (χ2 =8.6 8,P<0 .0 5 )。有淋巴结转移者 Cath- D、C- erb B- 2及 EGFR阳性率明显高于无淋巴结转移者 (P<0 .0 1)。 3种指标的表达与患者年龄无关。大肠腺瘤伴轻、中、重度异型增生 EGFR阳性率分别为 2 5 %、70 %及 6 0 % ,轻度与中、重度异型增生间有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :有 Cath- D、C- erb B- 2及 EGFR表达的大肠癌易转移 ,EGFR对监视大肠腺瘤是否癌变有一定临床意义。 Objective : To study the expression and clinical significance of Cath-D, C-erb B-2 and EGFR in colorectal cancer, adenoma, inflammation and normal mucosa. Methods: Immunohistochemical ABC method was used to detect 80 cases of colorectal cancer, 44 cases of colorectal adenoma, 35 cases of chronic colitis and 10 cases of normal colorectal mucosa. Results: The positive rates of the above three indicators in 80 cases of colorectal cancer were 41%, 39% and 41%, respectively, and the common positive rate of the three was 16.2%. Among the 33 Cath- D positive specimens, 18 were positive for C-erb B-2 (55%), and 13 were Cath- D negative specimens (28%). There was a significant difference (χ2 =5.09, P<0.05). Thirty-three Cath- D-positive specimens were positive for EGFR in 20 cases (61%). Cath-D-negative specimens were positive for EGFR in 13 cases (28%). There was a significant difference between the two (χ 2 =8.6 8). , P<0. 0 5 ). The positive rates of Cath-D, C-erb B-2, and EGFR in patients with lymph node metastasis were significantly higher than those without lymph node metastasis (P < 0.01). The expression of the three indicators has nothing to do with the patient’s age. The positive rates of EGFR in colorectal adenomas with mild, moderate and severe dysplasia were 25%, 70%, and 60%, respectively, and there was a significant difference between mild and moderate or severe dysplasia (P<0.05). Conclusion: There is a metastasis of colorectal cancer with expression of Cath-D, C-erb B-2 and EGFR. EGFR has certain clinical significance in monitoring the colorectal adenoma.
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课型:音乐艺术综合课教材:人教版课改实验教材音乐第二册教学内容:《小雨沙沙沙》 Course Type: Music and Arts Comprehensive Course Textbook: PEP Teaching Materials
一 1994年12月澳大利亚工业与科技部部长库克说,澳的科技发展还处于发展阶段,现在特别强调科技在工业方面的应用,但也不减少基础研究项目;希望科技界在企业界找到合作伙伴,