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2011年3月,《王文采院士论文集》(上、下卷)由高等教育出版社出版,作为本书责任编辑之一,与编者和王先生仅有过有限的交流,但这期间我收获的鼓舞却作为正能量一直激励着我和身边的同事。2006年,中国科学院植物研究所傅德志、孙英宝、王英伟、杨永、谢磊五位学者欲藉王先生八十华诞之际,整理先生半个多世纪间发表论文,汇总先生学术成就。历时5年的精心编撰,2010年春天,五位学者将初稿交付高等教育出版社出版,而我则 March 2011, “Wang Wencai academic papers” (upper and lower volumes) by the Higher Education Press, as one of the editor in charge of this book, and the editor and Mr. Wang had only limited communication, but during this period I harvest But as a positive energy has inspired me and my colleagues around. In 2006, five scholars of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fu Dezhi, Sun Yingbao, Wang Yingwei, Yang Yong and Xie Lei, wanted to take Mr. Wang’s 80th birthday to collate his thesis published more than half a century to summarize his academic achievements. Five years of elaborate compilation, the spring of 2010, five scholars will be the first draft delivered to Higher Education Press, and I
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