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据报道,目前英国有70万人在自家的庭院里养鸡,比3年前增加80%。英国连锁超市TESCO的鸡笼销售额过去三年疯涨了180%。英国人有战时养鸡的传统,上一次养鸡潮就是在二战时期,英伦以孤岛顽强抵抗纳粹,小鸡也做出了贡献。现在又出现养鸡潮,显示近年经济危机阴霾不散,给英国乃至整个欧洲社会,各个层面都带来极其深刻的改变。 It is reported that at present, 700,000 people in Britain raise chickens in their own courtyards, an increase of 80% over three years ago. Sales at British supermarket chain TESCO skyrocketed 180% over the past three years. The British had a tradition of raising chickens during wartime. The last tide of raising chickens was that during the Second World War, England tenaciously resisted the Nazis and the chickens made their contribution. The tide of chicken breeding now appears again. This shows that the economic crisis in recent years has been overcast and has brought extremely profound changes to Britain and the European community as a whole and to all levels.
根据施工场地充分利用机械和适当的路面,可以加快工程进度并节省投资。介绍临时施工道路的机械化施工方法,及冬类机械施工的优缺点。 Making the most of machinery and pro
Small dispersoid particles inhibit recrystallization which is critical in controlling the grain structure of many high strength low alloy steels. A general kine