Test of Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling across Central Uplift of Qiangtang Terrane in Tibetan Plat

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seacowp
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A test of deep seismic reflection profiling across the central uplift or metamorphic belt of the Qiangtang (羌塘) terrane, Tibetan plateau, provides a first image of the crustal structure. Complex reflection patterns in the upper crust are interpreted as a series of folds and thrusts, and bivergent reflections in the lower crust may represent a convergence between the Indian and the Eurasian plates. A test of deep seismic reflection profiling across the central uplift or metamorphic belt of the Qiangtang terrane, Tibetan Plateau, provides a first image of the crustal structure. Complex reflection patterns in the upper crust are interpreted as a series of folds and thrusts, and bivergent reflections in the lower crust may represent a convergence between the Indian and the Eurasian plates.
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