Event Type Recognition Based on Trigger Expansion

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plbplbplb
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Event extraction is an important research point in information extraction, which includes two important sub-tasks of event type recognition and event argument recognition. This paper describes a method based on automatic expansion of the event triggers for event type recognition. The event triggers are first extended through a thesaurus to enable the extraction of the candidate events and their candidate types. Then, a binary classification method is used to recognize the candidate event types. This method effectively improves the unbalanced data problem in training models and the data sparseness problem with a small corpus. Evaluations on the ACE2005 dataset give a final F-score of 61.24%, which outperforms traditional methods based on pure machine learning. Event extract is an important research point in information extraction, which includes two important sub-tasks of event type recognition and event argument recognition. This paper describes a method based on automatic expansion of the event triggers for event type recognition. The event triggers are first extended through a thesaurus to enable the extraction of the candidate events and their candidate types. Then, a binary classification method is used to recognize the candidate events types. This method effectively improves the unbalanced data problem in training models and the data sparseness problem with a small corpus. Evaluations on the ACE2005 dataset give a final F-score of 61.24%, which outperforms traditional methods based on pure machine learning.
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