RE PM Fujian

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With the development in electronic industry,car industry and advancement in high technologies,Fujian Province has made a step forward in applyingrare earth permanent magnet materials.Active andextensive work has been done and many achieve-ments obtained.M
Ms Hu Yulin,formerly the deputy director ofBaotou Research Institute of Rare Earth(BRIR),wasappointed to the director of BRIR early this year.Meanwhile,her pred
<正> 最近在友人处,欣读了郑板桥在他古稀高龄时书赠陆伯瞻出使朝鲜的古诗跋一件(图版柒),颇有感触。兹先将全文抄录如下: 陆公伯瞻出使高丽赠送诗文卷子山海关雄蓟北门,大明天子嫌侵吞。高句骊古东属国,陆公万里宣王言。彼之事我实帝天,我之字爱如弟昆。
Xunwu Rare Earth Corporation has introducedP507 reduction extraction process from Anhui Re-search Institute of Metallurgy to prepare europiumoxide of fluorescen
目的 评估In-Ceram全瓷修复体的临床效果。方法 用All-bond2树脂粘固73例In-Ceram全瓷修复体。经过15-37个月的临床观察。结果 64例全瓷单冠无破损、松动、脱落、颈缘密合,无继发龋和龈炎;9例全瓷固定桥中5例矫折
The National Routine Meeting on RE Infor-mation Exchange,co-sponsored by National RE In-formation Network and Information Committee ofChinese Society of Rare Ea
It is a world known fact that China is rich inrare earth resources.Its proven reserves account for75% of the world total,and its rare earth productionhas taken
<正> 1978年8月,湖南辰溪县城郊公社东风大队修边流水大桥时出土剑形铜器一件。此器制作精细,形制特殊(图一)。宽格扁茎,茎上有二圆穿。器身与茎分二次铸,身插入格内,中脊起棱。格、茎两面均有纹饰,格一面为窃曲纹,一面为云雷纹;茎一面为水波纹,一面为云雷纹(图二)。身残长16厘米,格长3、宽4.4、厚2.4厘米,茎残长4厘米。根据形制、纹饰判断,此器应为春秋战国时期的兵器。
A new electrothermal alloy containing 0.1—1.0 wt% yttrium has been developed by Prof.Li Pei andhis coworkers in Baotou Research Institute of RareEarth.This all